Dr. Tackett's Daily Comments  BibleStudyTogether

A 2-Year Chronological & Thematic Journey through God's Word
with Daily Comments from Dr. Del Tackett.

January 17

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 17 – Genesis 16:1-17:27; Luke 1:5-25

When God spoke through His prophets to, amazingly, give us His Word, written down in human language with human instruments, He wanted us to know who He was, who we are, and how all of history is truly His-Story. And, it isn’t a cleaned up version. We are going to read some pretty tough stuff. In our passages today, we are brought into the reality of a family’s conflicts. Abraham and Sarah (as they are now renamed by God to reflect His purposes and plans for their lives) are dealing with being barren. Sarah tries to “fix” the situation by giving Hagar as a wife to Abraham, begetting Ishmael. But Hagar’s disrespect stirs up turmoil that eventually will lead to Hagar and Ishmael being sent away. In Luke, we are presented with a similar situation in which Zechariah and Elizabeth are barren, but God is about to do something spectacular in His Meta-Narrative, bringing forth John in their old age as He did in Abraham and Sarah’s old age. Note how difficult it must have been for Abraham to find that God was not going to use Ishmael for the Seed Line of Christ. Ishmael is probably fourteen years old and beloved by his father. Note that our passages are filled with God’s promises: to Abraham, to Sarah, to Hagar and to Ishmael, along with the sign of the covenant, circumcision.

January 16

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 16 – Genesis 14:17-15:21

What an amazing and critical reading we have before us today! In it we have the mysterious Melchizedek and the covenant that God makes with Abram. In Genesis 15:6 we have a verse that is quoted four times in the New Testament: And Abram believed the Lord, and He counted it to him as righteousness. If you have the time, read also Hebrews 7. This will certainly cement our understanding of how deeply the Old Testament is pointing to Christ. Melchizedek is a “type” or “foreshadowing” of Christ here in Genesis. The covenant made with Abram (who will become Abraham in a few chapters) also points us forward to the ultimate fulfillment in Jesus as the spiritual children of Abraham will make him a “father of a multitude of nations”. Note, as well, Abram’s rejection of taking the spoil of war and his giving a tithe to Melchizedek, yet his closeness to God such that he brings to Him the argument that he has no children. Ah, may we walk this close ourselves!

January 15

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 15 – Genesis 13:1-14:16

Several things to note in our reading. First, the Scripture is filled with many, many historical details: names, places and events. Modern archeological findings continue to uncover evidence that proves Scripture has its history right. (God’s word can be trusted). Second, it is easy to read these historical accounts and lose sight that it speaks of real people, living real lives, with much of those lives hidden from us except for the very brief dots that God has chosen to reveal. I think of this as we read Abraham’s story. It appears that Lot could have been a young boy left orphaned and that is why Terah, and later, Abraham, took him in. But then to pack up and move so many times! You may want to do some research and look at some of the maps that depict Abraham’s journeys. Contemplate the reality of these accounts as Abraham and Lot, with their wealth of animals, find themselves crowding each other, separating, and then Abraham mustering 318 of his men (born in his house!) to rescue Lot taken captive from the wars around him. It really is a historical movie of grand drama if we close our eyes and contemplate the color and details that would fill in all the blanks.

January 14

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 14 – Genesis 11:27-12:20; 1 Chronicles 1:24-27; Luke 3:23-38

The Divine Narrative we are now reading, introduces us to one of its key characters: Abraham, who at this point is still named Abram. The covenant that God makes with Abraham has one primary thing in mind: its fulfillment in Christ. What is so fascinating is that right from the beginning of our introduction to this great “father”, in whom “all the families of the earth will be blessed”, we are given a picture of his weakness and sin, talking his wife, Sarai, into a plot that turns her over to be a wife of Pharaoh, just to save his own skin. Ah, but God is there! He intervenes to protect Sarai, for the Seed Line will come through her and Abraham, not through Pharaoh. This will be a continual theme for us. Watch the Providential Hand of God as He guides and protects the Seed Line of Christ throughout this great Story.

January 13

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 13 – Genesis 10:31-11:26; Matthew 1:1-17

In our marvelous reading today, we are presented with the major part of the Seed Line of Christ. First, from Noah’s son, Shem, to Abraham, and then from Abraham to Jesus. Matthew traces the royal lineage of Christ from Abraham through David to Joseph and Mary. Matthew begins with the words “The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ…” which literally is “The genesis scroll of Jesus Christ…”. “Genesis” means “beginnings”. How wonderful! For in this Larger Story of God, we read of the beginnings of everything, then another beginnings after the judgment of the flood, and now the new beginnings as the Story finally brings us to its primary focus and fulfillment in Christ. Take note, as you read these names that we find here men and women, good and bad; Israelites and Gentiles; heroes and unknowns; kings profoundly evil; adulterers, murderers and prostitutes. How much like God to use the fallenness and weaknesses of man to bring about His glorious purposes and plans.

January 12

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 12 – Genesis 10:21-30; 1 Chronicles 1:8-23; John 1:1-18; Luke 1:1-4

Today completes the master view of humanity’s origins after the flood. This is called the “Table of Nations” and Got Questions has a good overview [here]. You may also notice the very interesting statement that is made in both Genesis and Chronicles concerning Peleg that the earth was “divided” in his day. I will try to write an article on this in Neighborly Apologetics sometime. However, the big impression here is that the repopulation of the earth was clearly under the Providence of God as He was“preparing the way” for Jesus. John’s introduction of Him brings us back to the reality that Jesus was the light that came into a world full of darkness and the darkness has not overcome His light. This contrast is presented to us everywhere in the Scriptures. If you want to go further, you may want to read this aspect of God’s Nature: [Light].

January 11

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 11 – Genesis 10:2-20; 1 Chronicles 1:5-7; 1 John 5:1-21

Our reading today gives us the origin of names familiar to us: Magog, Egypt, Canaan, Raamah, Sheba, Nimrod, Babel, Assyria, Nineveh, the Jebusites, the Amorites, Gaza, Sodom and Gomorrah. And it is appropriate to end with Sodom and Gomorrah because our reading in 1 John leads us to the remarkable summary of the contrast that exists here on earth: “We know that we are from God, and the whole world lies in the power of the evil one.” There are several difficult places in our passages today: the water and the blood; a sin that leads to death; everyone who has been born of God does not keep on sinning. We will, if the Lord allows, deal with each of these in our Neighborly Apologetics posts. But for today, don’t get hung up on them. There are good, solid answers. Allow God to open your eyes to the Divine Narrative we are reading through and the bottom line today: “Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life.” (I would encourage your family to watch the video for today together and discuss it. And, if you want to go further, then look at the Lion and the Lamb posts.)

January 10

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 10 – Genesis 9:1-10:1; 1 John 4:7-21

From the sons of Noah, the earth is repopulated after the flood. But the sinfulness of a fallen world remains, and we now see the seed lines split again. But, in all of this, we are amazed by the steadfast love of God. The charge to “be fruitful” is expressive of His plans and purposes for man (I call it God’s ‘modus operandi’) and it is reiterated to Noah following the flood. John tells us that “God is love” and what a perfect parallel to what we have been reading in Genesis. Those who are in Christ—those in whom He has perfected His love, have no fear of punishment and judgment, for all of that has been taken for us by Jesus.

January 9

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 9 – Genesis 7:1-8:22

Here we have the clear historical account of God destroying the earth with a flood. Everything that had the breath of life, including man, was blotted out, except for the life that had been spared in the ark. But after such great destruction, we see, again, the amazing grace of God and His steadfast love and purpose to bring forth the Messiah. He reestablished the covenant even though “the intention of man’s heart is evil from his youth.” This declares the fundamental truth of anthropology, though we today, unfortunately, embrace the heart of man as nearly divine. How foolish!

January 8

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 8 – Genesis 6:1-22; 1 Chronicles 1:1-4

Our passage today presents the downward spiral as the two seed lines begin to intermingle and wickedness ultimately begins to reign. Nothing can match the description: “…every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” This horrible state of man on the earth will bring about the terrifying judgment of God that, as Peter puts it, “destroyed the earth”. However, in the midst of this impending destruction, we find God’s grace and mercy: “But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.”

January 7

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 7 – Genesis 5:1-32; 1 John 4:1-6

Today we read the beginning of the “Seed line” of Christ. This is contrasted with the “Seed line” of Satan that we read in Genesis 3 would be at war with each other. It is possible to look at the entire Old Testament as this war being played out. As you read these names, consider that each one was part of this Seed line of Christ and each were real people with real lives. In this battle that still rages today, take comfort in the truth that “greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world”.

January 6

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 6 – Genesis 4:1-26; 1 John 3:11-24

The fallen nature of our world didn’t take long to bring forth hatred and murder and all forms of human misery. “Do not be surprised, brothers, that the world hates you.” This is the reality of those who are in Christ. Do not let this hatred stir up in you those things that are more characteristic of the world than characteristic of the Spirit of God which dwells in you. You may wish to read an article I posted yesterday referring to the 1 John passage in our reading [here].

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January 5

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 5 - Genesis 3:1-24; 1 John 3:1-10

Well, for all of us who are feeling the weight of a fallen world, either directly, physically, or as we see it in our culture and the world around us, today we read about how that all came to be. But, the continual hope we must keep before our eyes, our hearts, and our minds, is that those who are in Christ are called the “children of God” and one day, all of this shall be set right. Genesis 3:15 is called the “Proto-Evangel” (‘proto’ – ‘first’; ‘evangel’ – ‘gospel’) because it is the Good News promised there in the Garden, at the scene of the Crime, that one day Christ would make everything right again. Thank God today for this Hope that lies before us.

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January 4

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 4 – Genesis 2:5-25​, Proverbs 4:14-27, 1 John 2:7-29

Day 4 - How relevant are these passages for us today as the “world” calls us from every quarter to pursue its own versions of human sexuality which are so very contrary to what we read here. “Do not love the world…” is God’s great caution to us for these things are not from the Father. Note the continual references we have been reading for several days regarding “light” and “darkness”. You may want to look at what I wrote on God being [Light].​

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January 3

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 3 – Proverbs 20:1-30, 1 John 1:1-2:6​​

The wisdom found in God’s Word today asks us the question: “Am I clean from sin?” We then read in 1 John: “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness.” This is worthy of contemplating all day long, if not all life long. Today’s “Questions” provided by BST are good for you to ponder. (Find them at the end of the Bible passage as you scroll to the end.)

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January 2

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 2 – Proverbs 8:1-36

What a most amazing passage before us today! As John opens his gospel with “In the beginning was the Word…” and Paul writes to the Colossians (2:3), “Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge”, we see Christ as the Word and Wisdom here in Proverbs 8. Be in awe at the Son as He is personified here: “To you, O men, I call, and My cry is to the children of man” (vs 4) and “When He established the heavens, I was there…” (vs 27). Today’s “Video” link is one of my favorites.

To Read the Passage, click the button:

January 1

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 1 – Genesis 1:1-2:4

As we read this opening section of Scripture today, let us immerse our minds in wonder at the attributes of God that are on display here. In Romans 1 we are told that the invisible attributes of God, His eternal power and divine nature, are plainly seen ever since creation by what God has made. Ask God to make Himself plain to you in these verses and be in awe before Him. By the way, don’t miss the “Video” links that are often part of the day’s readings by the Bible Project. Watch them with your family.

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January 18

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 18 – Genesis 18:1-33; Luke 1:26-38

There is so much in our passages today: the visitation, in physical form, of the Lord and two angels; the laughing of Sarah at the promise of bearing a child in her old age; the parallel of Elizabeth and Mary bearing a child in miraculous circumstances; and the setting up of the destruction that was to come upon Sodom and Gomorrah. But the thing of great notice for us here is the interceding of Abraham for others. It appears that his “bargaining” before the Lord was Abraham’s way of sparing Lot and his family. It turns out that there weren’t even ten righteous to be found there, but what an amazing and awesome thing it is that God grants to us, His children, the right to intercede for others. Oh, dear Remnant! Let us be diligent in placing before the Lord our lost neighbors and cry out to Him to spare them from judgment, opening their eyes, opening their ears, opening their hearts and minds to follow Him out of the city of destruction.

January 19

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 19 – Genesis 19:1-29; Luke 1:39-56

What a great parallel we have today. The saving of Lot from the complete and total destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, and Mary’s song praising “God my Savior” as she remembers His promise to Abraham. The Lord has chosen to give us a fairly clear picture of the sexual sin that had stirred up every man, young and old, in the entire city of Sodom. The scene is scary and despicable, but the wickedness of man is a horrible reality. It is also a warning for us. It is easy to get caught up in the “flow” of a culture’s sin. When everything and everyone embraces a wrong, do we then tend to believe it must be right? Dear Remnant! Don’t be fooled. Don’t be swayed from the Truth. Follow Him and Him alone. Be strong. Be courageous, for your enemy prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.

January 20

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 20 – Genesis 19:30-20:18; Proverbs 4:1-13; James 1:1-18

Our reading from Proverbs and James today calls us to seek godly wisdom and remain steadfast under trial so that our feet do not stumble. This is surely NOT the case with Lot’s daughters and with Abraham himself. Lot’s daughters took things into their own hands as they feared not finding a husband and incestually produced the Moabites and Ammonites. We will read of these two nations hiring Baalam to curse Israel later in Deuteronomy. Abraham apparently had a consistent fear of being killed because of Sarah, so he again (as it appears he did often) talked her into lying about being his wife. Note his almost humorous rationalization of his actions to King Abimelech in verses 11-13. Oh, my! How often are we so like this! Afraid that something won’t go the way we want it to go and therefore taking things into our own hands. Pressing forward without Godly wisdom and prudence, we end up making a mess of things. By the way, I have often used this account to show (to those who argue that God never does) that God does indeed “violate” our free wills, evidenced here when He prevented Abimelech from violating Sarah.

January 21

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 21 – Proverbs 17:1-28; James 1:19-27

In James we read today that we are to be “doers of the word” and not just “hearers”. Let me suggest something to you–something that I have tried to do whenever I read the Proverbs, which, with 31 chapters, makes it convenient to read one a day for each day of the month. Here’s my suggestion. Read the passage with your family and ask them to pick a Proverb out of the chapter that they think has great application for our lives and culture today–in the “times in which we live”. This will really focus your family’s attention on what is being said and open up a great conversation as you, together, contemplate how relevant God’s Word is for us. I would choose verse 15: “He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous are both alike an abomination to the Lord.” Ah, we could have a great application discussion on that, could we not?

January 22

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 22 – Genesis 21:1-34

There is much here today for us to contemplate. The birth of Isaac, the long-awaited promised child; the family schism and Hagar being sent away; the Lord hearing the cries of Ishmael (Ishmael means “God hears”); the Lord sparing Hagar and Ishmael and renewing the promises to them; and a wonderful event to study how one handles conflict as we read of Abraham and king Abimelech resolving their dispute. Remember, back in Genesis 16, when Hagar fled the first time and the Lord came to her, she called Him “El Roi”, the God who sees. Hagar certainly had evidence in her life of the God who “sees” and “hears”. May you and I acknowledge that truth before the Lord today, for He has certainly seen and heard us many, many times in our lives. Let us thank Him and praise Him today for all of those moments of Divine Grace.

January 23

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 23 – Proverbs 15:1-33

One of the constant themes presented to us in Proverbs is that we are to seek Wisdom. And, as we read today, Wisdom with Prudence will lead us in the right direction. In contrast to this are the “fool”, and the “scoffer” who not only do not pursue godly Wisdom and Prudence, but despise it and rail against it. Another prominent theme in “Proverbs is the constant contrast of blessings and curses: do this and it will go well; do this and it will not go well. By the way, are you reading these with your family and prompting them to pick out a relevant verse for today? Mine is verse 3: “The eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good.” When I read this, it made me think how comforting this should be for those who are in Christ and how horrifying in must be for those who aren’t.

January 24

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 24 – Genesis 22:1-24; James 2:1-26

Although our passages today are troublesome to some, I find them an amazing summation of all that God is going to do through Christ. We find here also that which is spoken plainly for us by Jesus: “You will know them by their fruits.” Faith produces good works. I think it is appropriate to understand James in this way: “Faith without (good) works is dead.” Jesus told us the good tree produces good fruit and the bad tree produces bad fruit. Faith in Christ will produce good fruit. This can be considered a spiritual truth. We are not saved by those good works, for that would get the order backwards. But our faith is confirmed by those good works. Good fruit doesn’t produce a good tree, nor do our good works bring us to faith. It was Abraham’s faith that brought forth his obedience. What an awesome picture we are given here, through Abraham, of the steadfast, sacrificial zeal of God that would, on the same mountain, almost 2000 years later, fulfill all of His promises in the sacrifice of His only son, Jesus. Abraham didn’t have to make that sacrifice; God did. And He did so for us.

January 25

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 25 – Proverbs 10:1-32; James 3:1-18

We read today about the power of the tongue. It can bring a blessing to someone or it can bring pain and heartbreak and utter destruction. What wise counsel we are given to keep guard over what comes out of our mouth. Let us consider the verse: “The mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life…” May our words today be a fountain of life to those around us.

January 26

Day 26 – Genesis 23:1-20; Psalm 138:1-8; James 4:1-17

When Sarah dies, we are given here an insight into Abraham’s status among the Hittites and a somewhat humorous, shrewd negotiation for the plot of land that will provide a burial place for Sarah. This cements for Abraham and his descendants what appears to be his first legally owned property in Canaan. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Rebekah and Leah will also be laid to rest here. But take the time to ponder the deep sorrow that Sarah’s death must have brought to Abraham after all their years together and all they had been through. There is comfort in death only to those who have the promises of God, that He will fulfill His purposes in us (Psalm 138:8) and that when we draw near to Him, He draws near to us (James 4:8). Our life is but a vapor, but God’s blessings and promises are eternal for those who are His; for those in whom He has come to dwell forever–in this life and the life to come. He will be dwelling with us as we pass through death’s door. What a comfort!

January 27

Day 27 – Proverbs 13:1-25; James 5:1-12

This is the verse (19) that strikes me today: “... to turn away from evil is an abomination to fools.” We find ourselves in times where one who takes a stand for righteousness and turns away from evil will be vilified and pilloried in the public square. James calls us to “establish our hearts”, “be patient”, “remain steadfast”, for the promises of the Lord are sure. He reminds us of the suffering and patience of the prophets of old, so that we might stand firm in our day. Our Father is compassionate and merciful and there are blessings that come to those who remain steadfast in trials.

January 28

Day 28 – Psalm 107:1-43; James 5:13-20

Our text today repeats the truth that needs to be repeated in our own hearts and minds daily, if not more often. God hears our prayers when we call out to Him in our need. And He is faithful to answer those prayers–not according to our will, but according to His will. And, according to His timing, not ours. But rest assured that He hears and will answer. Our response must be in the way the Psalm opens and frames all that follows: “Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is [good], for his steadfast love endures forever!” It ends with a call to the wise: “Whoever is wise, let him attend to these things; let them consider the steadfast love of the Lord.” This is good counsel to us all: begin every day with thanks for His steadfast love, and end every day with a meditation upon the truth of that steadfast love.

January 29

Day 29 – Genesis 24:1-28

As you read these verses today, think of the way that God has intervened and ordained this finding of Rebekah for Isaac. Rebekah is going to be part of the Seed Line of the Messiah, but the Providence of God in bringing this about works through people and events. Abraham was faithful to the promise of God in instructing his servant where to go and what to go. The servant was faithful to God in his plea. Rebekah’s actions were orchestrated through her own will and character to bring about God’s plan. It is wise to walk this way in our own lives. Do we watch for the Providential Hand of God in the everyday activities of our lives? If the Lord is, indeed, a lamp unto our feet; if He, indeed, watches over us; if He, indeed, is working in us “both to will and to work for His good pleasure” (Phil 32:13); is it not right then for us watch for Him all day long? From the phone call to the encounter at the store, nothing in your life is by chance. When Rebekah awoke that morning, I wonder if she had this anticipation that God was about to change her life forever.

January 30

Day 30 – Genesis 24:29-67

We have today more evidence of the Providence of God. See how many places you can identify where this is apparent. Also, keep in mind the reality of this historical narrative. We are only given the dots that God meant for us to have, but there are hours and words and actions that are not recorded for us. Think of Rebekah’s family when Abraham’s servant asked to be released the next morning and take Rebekah with him. Her mother requested they stay at least ten days. I can understand this, can’t you? Out of the blue, this entourage had arrived, placed bracelets on Rebekah’s arms and in the morning was going to take her away and they would never see her again. I would ask for more time as well! When Rebekah remarkably said yes and was then united with Isaac, God was forging another link in the Seed Line of the Messiah.

January 31

Day 31 – Genesis 25:1-26; 1 Chronicles 1: 28-34; Luke 1:57-66

Our reading today provides more evidence of God’s hand upon the Seed Line through which He was going to bring forth Messiah. And, again, woven in this story is the barren state of the women through whom God would work. Isaac asked God to open Rebekah’s womb and she brought forth Esau and Jacob (note the Chronicles passage uses his new name, Israel). In barren Elizabeth, and in her old age, He would bring forth John, the great forerunner of Jesus. From Rebekah, the Lord gave the initial indication that the Seed Line would pass through Jacob and not the older Esau. The relationship between these brothers will be contentious, as we will read in the next ten chapters. God’s hand is certainly evident all over these readings, is it not?