BibleStudyTogether DailyReadings

A 2-Year Chronological & Thematic Journey through God's Word
with Daily Comments from Dr. Del Tackett.

Photo by Casey Horner on Unsplash

August 31

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 609 (8/31) – Ezekiel 13:1-14:11; 2 Timothy 4:6-22

Twice today we hear the Lord condemn those who “prophecy from their own hearts”. How utterly relevant this is in our own times. We must beware of this false movement to make the heart of man seem to speak divine things to which we must all bow down. Paul is coming to the end of his life and he has “fought the good fight”. May we do the same. Notice that it will be a fight, for the world is ever against the truth of God.



August 30

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 608 (8/30) – Ezekiel 12:1-28; 2 Timothy 3:1-4:5

Notice “in their sight” is repeated seven times in 12:3-7. Even though the people have been so rebellious, God continues, graciously, to show them what is true versus what is false. However, as our passage begins, the “rebellious house” has eyes to see, but they see not, ears to hear, but they hear not. I was deeply struck by Paul’s statement (3:2) that people will become “lovers of self” for this is, indeed, the summation of the pathology of our times. This, too, is striking for us today: “...all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, while evil people and impostors will go on from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.” Let us remain steadfast.


August 29

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

The sad state of Israel is injected with hope. But notice, it is God who will give them a new heart. Paul says something similar in the passage we are using in our Tuesday prayer for repentance, that God is the one who grants repentance. Paul gives us a repeated admonition to keep ourselves from “quarreling about words”, “irreverent babble”, false claims about the resurrection, “foolish, ignorant controversies”. Instead we are to “pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace”. Great guidance for those who live in times where the spoken word is far from this.


August 28

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 606 (8/28) – Ezekiel 10:1-22; 2 Timothy 2:1-13

The glory of the holy and almighty God, if it were to be seen by physical eyes, would be overwhelming. We read again of this interface between the glory of God and the physical world, described in ways similar to what we saw in Ezekiel chapter one. How sad that we read of the presence of the Lord departing from the temple because of unrepentance. Paul refers to the modus operandi of God: He expects HIs creatures to multiply: “who will be able to teach others also.” This is how God has ordained the multiplication of life and the multiplication of the good news, filling the earth. May we be diligent in this process.



August 27

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 605 (8/27) – Ezekiel 8:1-9:11; 2 Timothy 1:1-18

I had an interview today in which we talked about the danger of malevolent compassion, which has taken control of our culture and causes us to affirm that which is evil as well as to orchestrate policy and programs to prevent people from any suffering or consequences. It turns the economy of God on its head. Jeremiah suffered for the sake of Truth. Paul suffered for the sake of the gospel. The Lord disciplines those whom He loves, so that we will be trained by adversity. I was struck by the Lord showing Ezekiel deeper and deeper abominations hidden in the culture around him. I have been reading about the human trafficking industry and the depth of depravity there. I don’t want to read these things, but it is part of the lot of being a child of God. Don’t hide from the Truth, but, as the Scripture says, “Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.”


August 26

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 604 (8/26) – Ezekiel 7:1-27

I was struck by several things today. One, that the Lord was telling them that the end was no longer just coming, but it was now. Two, that everything they had put their trust in, like silver and gold, was to become nothing. None of that would save them. And three, that all of this judgment would be a testimony He was the Lord. There's a sadness here. One that comes not only from seeing a people who had been so blessed by God fall so far away from Him and therefore receive their  just punishment, but unfortunately the sadness that comes from seeing our own culture here. Join me Tuesday, noon eastern to pray for repentance in our own land (go to for more info).


August 25

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 603 (8/25) – Jeremiah 28:1-17, 51:59-64

Today we have another event in which people were given a prophecy of peace and prosperity versus one of coming disaster. We would all rather have peace and prosperity and so we have a tendency to hear the words we want to hear and ignore the words we do not want to hear. God’s Word is not always pleasing or pleasant.


August 24

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 602 (8/24) – Ezekiel 4:1-17; Jeremiah 27:1-22; 2 Corinthians 12=3:1-14

There is great difficulty in our passages today. Imagine being in a nation that has been greatly blessed by God. But now there is a prophet who says that your nation is going to fall because of its many sins. In contrast, there are many others who say that it will not fall but will prevail and continue on just as it has for many years in the past. Who do you listen to? We cannot discern the Word of the Lord based upon what we want. We cannot interpret the Word of the Lord based upon our desires. Ezekiel went through personal hardship to try to get the people to listen. They did not and Jerusalem was burned to the ground. Paul was trying to convince the Corinthians that he was a true apostle. If you speak truth, and though you speak it in love, as we are commanded to do, you may be rebuffed, if not worse. Trust in the Lord.


August 23

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 601 (8/23) – Ezekiel 2:1-3:27; 2 Corinthians 12:11-21

God gives Ezekiel his call. I was struck by the imagery of Ezekiel being given the Word of God to eat, to fill his stomach, and it was sweet as honey. May we, likewise, “devour” the Word and it become our source of life. Ezekiel, himself, becomes engulfed in his earlier vision, which might help us understand it: the Spirit of God will empower all kinds of people and they will move all over the world as God, in His glory, directs them. So, too, now with Ezekiel. It will be a hard message and he will be treated poorly because of it, but the Lord promises to be with him, “though briars and thorns are with you and you sit on scorpions”. Paul was also mistreated by those who were supposed to be the people of God, but they were not. Take faithful comfort in all of this, dear brothers and sisters in Christ.


August 22

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 600 (8/22) – Ezekiel 1:1-28; 2 Corinthians 12:1-10

We read of two visions today: Ezekiel’s and Paul’s. Ezekiel’s vision seems strange, but don’t get caught up in anything but the main thing: God’s glory is the focus of the vision and causes Ezekiel to fall on his face. Paul’s vision (the first heaven is the sky, the second is the home of the sun, moon and stars, the third is the dwelling place of God) is “paradise” where Paul heard “things that cannot be told, which man may not utter”. We, therefore, don’t know what he heard, but it appears this vision gave Paul the courage and confidence to face the many trials in his life and yet to yearn to be with the Lord. We have that same confidence and longing. The omnipotent, omniscient, steadfast love of God is ever poured out upon those who are His. Though we fall on our faces before Him, we know we are His children and “fear not” but long to be home with the Lord.


August 21

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 599 (8/21) – Jeremiah 38:1-28; 2 Corinthians 11:16-33

As we read of the peril that God’s people encounter from the King (in Jeremiah’s case) or the Governor (in Paul’s case) or as Paul also puts it: from Jews, Gentiles and false brothers, being imprisoned, lashed, beaten, stoned, starved, cold and exposed; it would be good for us to reaffirm in our own hearts and minds that Jesus said the world would hate us. Jeremiah and Paul and the countless other faithful brothers and sisters that have gone before us put their trust in the Lord, even in the most difficult of times. May we be ready to do so ourselves.


August 20

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 598 (8/20) – 2 Chronicles 36:10-14; Jeremiah 52:1-2, 37:1-21; 2 Corinthians 11:1-15

The enemy does not want the truth of God to be spoken nor carried out. This was true in Jeremiah’s day, when he was hated and imprisoned for speaking the word of the Lord; it was true in the days of Paul, who was also imprisoned and beaten; it is true in our own day. Just as there were false prophets in Judah and in Corinth, there are false prophets today. The cosmic battle remains: truth vs lie. However, the saints of the Lord know Him and they know His word. Let us not be deceived by the flood of lies in our times.


August 19

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 597 (8/19) – Jeremiah 51:36-58; 2 Kings 24: 10-19

Mighty Babylon meets its match in God’s mighty judgment. No nation can mock God and not meet its day of judgment. The verse that comes to mind: “God is not mocked. Whatever a man sows, that will he also reap.” This, as we have read over and over again, is true for nations. What is head-shaking here is that in the midst of this horrible judgment, Zedekiah, now made king, does not get it. He does “evil in the sight of the Lord”. Even God’s judgment on a people, as I believe we are seeing in our day, does not change an evil heart. Only Christ can do that.


August 18

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 596 (8/18) – Jeremiah 51:1-35

I doubt there is a greater chapter in all of Scripture that summarizes the sovereignty of God and His judgments. The key passage might be “...the Lord has both planned and done what He spoke…”. God as Creator is beautifully stated in 15-16, but I was struck by the succeeding description of those who make idols and how it so closely defines what we see today: “...his images are false…worthless, a work of delusion…”. Ah, the Cosmic Battle: truth vs lie. It rages all around us in our times as well.


August 17

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 595 (8/17) – Ezekiel 5:1-17, 6:1-14; 2 Corinthians 10:1-18

Paul makes it clear for us, as he does elsewhere, that our battle is not against the flesh, nor are our weapons in this battle earthly weapons. We are battling against lies that are set up  against the truth of God. This is now the spiritual reality of what we see in the flesh under the Old Covenant. The video overview of Ezekiel is good and I recommend you view parts I and II. As we read Ezekiel, keep in mind that these were a series of short messages, often conveyed with visual aids, that were delivered over a period of years to the exiles in Babylon. It is the message of hope that draws us, however, and we see that fulfillment in Christ.


August 16

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 594 (8/16) – Jeremiah 50:11-46; Acts 7:44-8:3

What a testimony to God’s sovereignty over the nations. He raised up Assyria to punish Israel and then destroyed Assyria for its sin. He raised up Babylon to punish Judah and then destroyed Babylon for its sin, saying it would “never again have people, nor be inhabited for all generations”. It was a mighty nation, but it fell to the Persians in 539 B. C. Alexander the Great tried to rebuild it into the “jewel of his empire”, but ended up dying there. Its full end came at the hand of the Parthians in the 2nd century B.C. Saddam Hussein attempted to rebuild it, but he failed as well. Stephen testified to this unending rebellion against God and His Word, and ultimately against Jesus, and he was stoned because of that testimony. Do not be surprised if the world hates you and God’s Truth.


August 15

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 593 (8/15) – Psalms 105:26-45; Jeremiah 49:34-50:10; Acts 7:17-43

As I read our “historical” texts today, I wondered if we have failed in passing down our own “history” to our children as a testimony to the Lord’s work in our own lives. Recounting the “hand of the Lord”as  He has acted in the past , as we see in Psalm 105 and Stephen’s testimony, provides assurance that He will act today and in the future.


August 14

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 592 (8/14) – Psalms 105:1-25; Jeremiah 29:24-32; Acts 7:1-16

All three of our texts today speak of the plans and purposes of God. Psalm 105 is a wonderful history of God’s hand upon Israel from Abraham forward. So, too, Stephen’s testimony before the high priest. The event in Jeremiah is a rebuke to a false prophet who speaks against the plans and purposes and word of God. He therefore was judged and was not allowed to “see the good that I will do to my people”. Oh, how very important it is for us to remember the mighty works of God, for it keeps us from falling prey to false teachers and prophets, of which there are a legion today in every form and fashion.


August 13

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 591 (8/13) – Jeremiah 23:3-24:10, 29:1-23; Acts 6:1-15

A Hebrew word is at play here: “massa” can be interpreted as “oracle” or “burden”. So, people are asking Jeremiah for an “oracle” and he tells them they are a “burden”. It appears they want further words from the Lord, possibly because they don’t like the words He has spoken to them, and the Lord condemns them for that. A good reminder not to seek for more Words than what He has already given to us. We are again reminded of the importance of discernment regarding those who declare ‘thus saith the Lord” when they are actually speaking lies. God uses Nebuchadnezzar as His instrument of punishment upon them. Notice the instructions for how the people of God were to live in a pagan land. It would be good to discuss this. Does this pertain to us today?


August 12

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 590 (8/12) – Jeremiah 22:24-23:32; 2 Kings 24:8-9

The Lord takes the prophets to task who lied to the people. What struck me was that He specifically calls them out for telling those who despise the word of the Lord and those who “follow their heart” that it will be okay with them. Sounds eerily like our own times.



August 11

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 589 (8/11) – Jeremiah 20:1-18; 2 Kings 24:1-7; 2 Chronicles 36:6-9

As the Lord had prophesied, we now read of Babylon destroying Jerusalem and Judah. It would be easy to find fault with Jeremiah as he brings his misery to the Lord, yet there is great faithfulness found in him in one of my favorite passages (20:9). Though he says he will no longer speak the word of the Lord, it becomes like a fire in his bones and he cannot keep it shut in. May the Lord grant this kind of faithfulness to His people in our times and may we speak it with the grace and wisdom that the Scriptures calls us to: “Conduct yourselves with wisdom toward outsiders…let your speech always be with grace…” Colossians 4:5-6


August 10

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 588 (8/10) – Jeremiah 18:1-19:15; Acts 5:17-42

There is so much today! God makes it clear that nations will be spared if they repent and destroyed if they do not (18:5-11). The judgment on Judah as described is horrible and tough to read. Is it not astounding that they refused to repent? Yet, here we are today. The counsel of Gamaliel is quite remarkable, is it not? Yet, we see the same rejection of the word of the Lord in Jeremiah’s day, in the apostle’s day, and in ours.


August 9

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 587 (8/9) – Jeremiah 16:14-17:27; Acts 5:1-16

Several things today you may want to discuss:  (17:4) “ my anger a fire is kindled that shall burn forever”; (17:9) “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick…I the Lord search the heart and test the mind…”; (17:7,8) “Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord…[he] does not fear… is not anxious”. The event with Ananias and Sapphira is difficult. Peter states that they were lying not to man, but to God. It certainly established the position and authority of the apostles, did it not?


August 8

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 586 (8/8) – Jeremiah 15:1-16:13; Acts 4:32-37

If anything should send a chill into our hearts and minds regarding the ultimate quest of our times to “follow our hearts” it is the declaration of the cause for which the Lord is bringing judgment on the people of Judah: “...every one of you follows his stubborn, evil will, refusing to listen to me.” It certainly gave me chills as I read it because we are increasingly becoming obsessed with “me”. Pray God will grant us repentance. Notice that the central theme of the apostles testimony was the Resurrection. It would be good to ask ourselves if this is lacking in our own testimony.


August 7

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 585 (8/7) – Jeremiah 13:15-14:22; Acts 4:23-31

“I will scatter you like chaff…because you have forgotten me and trusted in lies.” What a chilling pronouncement from the Lord and worth pondering as we look at our own culture today. Including the sobering reminder that the sin in our land does not escape His notice: “I have seen your abominations…” In Acts we have another place where the responsibility of man is meshed with the Sovereignty of God: Herod, Pilate, the Gentiles and people of Israel gathered together in Jerusalem against Jesus “to do whatever your hand and your plan had predestined to take place.” Take time today to meditate upon the Sovereign Majesty of God, His Holiness and Justice, His Omniscience and Omnipotence… and worship Him.



August 6

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 584 (8/6) – Jeremiah 12:1-13:14; Acts 4:1-22

I was struck deeply by the Lord’s accusation against Judah and their impending destruction: “This evil people, who refuse to hear my words, who stubbornly follow their own heart…” Oh, how foolish we are, for this is the holy grail of our own culture, to follow our own hearts. We foolishly think this will lead us to happiness and contentment, but it will only lead us to death and destruction. The event in Acts is one of my favorite passages. The Resurrection and Pentecost had radically changed Peter and John and though they found themselves arrested and no doubt thinking that crucifixion was soon to be their lot, they stood in the center of the powerhouse of Jerusalem and said, “We cannot but speak of what we have seen and heard”. Oh, may the people of God be filled with such faith today, for it will be tested more and more.


August 5

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 583 (8/5) – Daniel 3:1-30

We come to a very familiar event today of God sparing His faithful servants from the “fiery furnace”. But we sometimes fail to fully ponder the dire circumstances they faced, for they are not unlike the terrifying circumstances that many believers have faced in the past… and they are not unlike the ones we are increasingly facing today in Western Culture. In the early days of Christianity, it wasn’t that the believers worshiped Jesus that brought the wrath of man upon them; it was that they didn’t bow down to the Roman gods as well. They were put to death in horrible fashion. Today, we have erected human gods, whose declarations of the heart are to be affirmed as divine proclamations. If we bow down to them, as Nebuchadnezzar stated, then it will be “well and good”. But if we do not bow down, then the punishments will be fierce. We have been given in Daniel a wonderful example of true faith: God, though He is more than able, may or may not deliver us in some earthly trial, but either way, we will not bow down to the gods of man. We will worship God and God alone. He will deliver us, in His good time.


August 4

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 582 (8/4) – Jeremiah 11:1-23, 35:1-19

It should be increasingly apparent to us reading through Jeremiah that the Lord was patient and warned them over and over and over again. But they refused to listen and some even sought to put Jeremiah to death. The world does, indeed, hate the light because it shines on the deeds of darkness. However, the Rechabites present to us a delightful contrast. May our families be Rechabites in our land today, remaining faithful to the Lord though the culture as all of its ways press us to join them.


August 3

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 581 (8/3) – Jeremiah 9:17-10:25; Acts 3:12-26

I recommend you consider memorizing Jer 9:23-24. How often does the Lord declare to us that He is opposed to the proud and self-centered, yet we are so obsessed with ourselves. We boast in self wisdom, might and riches. We should, instead, pursue what the Lord delights in: understanding and knowing Him, practicing steadfast love, true justice and righteousness (as opposed to false justice and false righteousness). The Lord sometimes shocks His hearers and lumps the “circumcised merely in the flesh” with the Gentiles. Outward religiousness means nothing to the Lord. You have to smile at the literary genius of the Lord: “Their idols are like scarecrows in a cucumber field.” So, too, are our idols, from entertainers to the worship of our own hearts. Yet: “There is none like you, O Lord.” Notice Peter places the blame on the people: “You delivered over, denied, asked for a murderer, killed the Author of life.” But grace was extended to them and it was the Resurrection that changed everything.


August 2

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 580 (8/2) – Jeremiah 8:1-9:16; Acts 2:43-3:11

A victorious invader would often dig up the bones of the conquered and scatter them as an insult. This explains the first few verses. We read again of the reasons God is bringing such horrible judgment: they had “turned away” from God and it was “perpetual”, they were full of “deceit”, every one went on his own “course”, they “rejected the Word of the Lord”, they were “greedy for unjust gain”, dealt “falsely”, “committed abominations” and yet were not ashamed, they “did not know how to blush”. Isn’t that an interesting observation by the Lord? I was struck by this relevant charge: they have “stubbornly followed their own hearts”. Sounds like our culture’s obsession with “follow my heart”. I was also struck by “falsehood had grown strong in the land”.  How very relevant.


August 1

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 579 (8/1) – Jeremiah 36:27-32; Psalms 16:1-11, 132:1-18; Acts 2:14-42

What a refreshment! In the midst of Jehoiakim burning the word of God and the horrible, yet righteous  judgments that come from God, we have the hopeful words of the Psalms to those who are the Lord’s: He delights in His saints; we have a beautiful inheritance; we shall not be shaken; our heart is glad; our whole being rejoices, etc.. In here also is the promise of the Resurrection of Christ, to which Peter refers in his first sermon, and the promises that are therefore ours. Notice the sovereignty of God and the responsibility of man (Acts 2:23) presented to us, bound up together. A mystery, yes, but not a contradiction.


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