June 30
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 547 (6/30) – Proverbs 28:1-28
Consume the Proverbs slowly, piece by piece. Take time to look at each and ask some probing questions to help clarify what the Lord is saying: how do evil men misunderstand “justice”; how can the upright be “misled into an evil way”; what is a “stingy” man; what does it mean to “flatter with the tongue”; what does “trust in you own mind” mean; what does it mean to “show partiality”? May God grant us wisdom through His Word.
June 29
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 546 (6/29) – Proverbs 16:1-33; Luke 24:35-43; Mark 16:12-13
The Proverbs aren’t meant to be read in large chunks, like one would read a narrative. They are to be consumed slowly, piece by piece. Take some time to look at each one and ask some questions to help clarify what the Lord is saying: what does it mean for the Lord to “weigh the spirit”; what does it mean to be “arrogant in heart"; what is a “haughty spirit”; what is a “lowly spirit”; how does a dishonest man “spread strife”; how does “whispering” separate close friends? The event of Jesus appearing to the disciples and eating a fish is fascinating. We dealt with that in the Resurrection Series [here].
June 28
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 545 (6/28) – Isaiah 60:1-61:11; Luke 24:13-34
We don’t have to guess what the prophet Isaiah is talking about today because Jesus, when He read from this passage, told the people, “Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing”. I leave it up to you to ponder how much, for there is great symbolism in our passage today. But the overall tone is glorious regarding what God was going to do. The event of Jesus meeting with Cleopas and his companion on the road to Emmaus has always fascinated me. Can you imagine having Jesus explain the Old Testament to you…how it all pointed to Him?
June 27
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 544 (6/27) – Isaiah 58:1-59:21; Ephesians 6:10-24
This struck me today for it seems to hit so close to home in our culture in our times: “Truth has stumbled in the public squares, and uprightness cannot enter. Truth is lacking and he who departs from evil makes himself a prey.” Certainly we face the increasing reality that those who decide to live and speak truth will incur the wrath of the force that reigns in our culture. Enjoy the link between Isaiah and Ephesians. God’s Word is ever amazing.
June 26
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 543 (6/26) – Isaiah 56:1-57:21; Ephesians 6:1-9
Notice the weaving in and out of the “now” and the “will be”. God is just and will punish evil. But He is also going to preserve His covenant through the Messiah. Note the heart of God that is with the contrite and lowly. Paul is giving us more of the “blueprints” for God’s social order. This was a focus of the second half of the Truth Project.
June 25
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 542 (6/25) – Isaiah 54:1-55:13; Ephesians 5:15-33
I encourage you to read these passages aloud today. Read them to your family and friends. There are such marvelous truths here that we should take weeks and months contemplating all of it. What struck you today? I was struck by God’s character as Father. He is going to bring about His Kingdom and will do so through His people. This is His plan and purpose through you, if you are indeed in Christ. Hear the admonition: walk as wise, “making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.” Jesus gave Himself up so that He might present the church in splendor. Let us walk that way.
June 24
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 541 (6/24) – Psalms 119:65-96
The continual theme in this Psalm and in the life of God’s people is the reality that sin and evil exist around us. This presses us with such adversity at times that it would appear as if it will overwhelm and destroy us. But, we hold on to the reality of God’s faithfulness. He will bring ultimate justice and resolution.
June 23
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 540 (6/23) – Proverbs 27:1-27
Read this together with your family and discuss those things that struck each of you. This struck me: “Better is a neighbor who is near than a brother who is far away.” This implies we are good friends with our neighbors. This is the royal law and wouldn’t it be marvelous if the body of Christ were doing so?
June 22
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 539 (6/22) – Isaiah 52:1-53:12; Ephesians 5:1-14
We now come to one of the most important and amazing sections of Isaiah. This is the fourth and final of the Servant Songs [more], but the whole section provides us with a beautiful weaving of the old imagery into the new gospel, of which verse 1 sets the stage. There is not a more exquisite prophecy of the coming Messiah than what we read today. Take your time as you go through it. Meditate upon it. Then be exhorted by Ephesians: “...walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave Himself for us…”
June 21
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 538 (6/21) – Psalms 4:1-8; Isaiah 51:1-23; Ephesians 4:17-32
These words struck me today: “...fear not the reproach of man, nor be dismayed at their revilings.” It is easy to get down because of things that are happening around us and when we are reviled for believing the truth of God. Fear not because “my righteousness will be forever, and my salvation to all generations,” and He has “covered you in the shadow” of His hand. Therefore, those of us who are in Christ, “put off the old self” and “put on the new self”, “speak truth to our neighbor”, knowing that those who revile are “darkened in their understanding” and “greedy to practice every kind of impurity”. Maybe it would be good for us to turn off the world today and just rest in Him.
June 20
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 537 (6/20) – Psalms 68:1-35; Ephesians 4:1-16
The clear message today is that God will triumph over evil and the righteous will therefore rejoice. Note the lost pattern for the church in Ephesians 4:11: the ministry is carried out by the saints. The role of the leaders is to equip them for this work. We unfortunately have this backwards in the western church today. Again, unity is the theme here along with the building up of a healthy, vibrant and fruitful body of Christ. Oh, that we might see the saints engaging their neighbors with truth and grace! Our culture desperately needs us to be healthy.
June 19
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 536 (6/19) – Isaiah 49:1-50:11; Ephesians 3:1-21
As you read Isaiah, note again how the Lord weaves in and out of the here and now and the prophetic of what will come: “I will make you as a light for the nations, that my salvation may reach to the end of the earth,” and “I have engraved you on the palms of my hands” and “I gave my back to those who strike…I hid not my face from disgrace and spitting.” But what was hidden in prophecy is revealed in Christ. Paul declares the mystery now revealed: “the Gentiles are fellow heirs, members of the same body, and partakers of the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel.” All of this is “according to the eternal purpose that He has realized in Christ Jesus our Lord…”. Dear Saints, do not let anyone delude you away from this eternal purpose in Christ.
June 18
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 535 (6/18) – Isaiah 47:1-48:22; Ephesians 2:11-22
Be sure to make the connection today. Clearly, God is sovereign over the nations and “in one day” He can bring the mighty nation to it knees. Our passage ends with “There is no peace, says the Lord, for the wicked.” And in Ephesians we read “For He Himself (Jesus) is our peace…” This continues with the key theme: “...who has made us both one…” This is the remarkable mystery that has come through Christ, that there is no longer Jew or Gentile, but “one Body” and one “holy temple in the Lord”. Take time to meditate upon the final sentence today: “In Him you are also being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit.” Such wonderful and marvelous things to ponder!
June 17
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 534 (6/17) – Isaiah 45:14-46:13
Another contrast between the idols that do not save with the majestic nature of the one and only true God: “I am God, and there is none like Me, declaring the end from the beginning…I have spoken, and I will bring it to pass; I have purposed, and I will do it.” The specific prophecy in mind here is the naming of Cyrus and all the Lord will do through him, yet it applies to all of the predictive prophecy of God. And, it is in relevant contrast to those earthly things that our culture is chasing after today: they are all nothing and will always disappoint and end in emptiness.
June 16
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 533 (6/16) – Isaiah 44:21-45:13
We are blessed today to read one of the amazing prophecies of Scripture. Over 150 years before Cyrus was born, God names him through Isaiah and details what He will raise Cyrus up to do. God does this to reveal His omniscience and sovereignty. The entire passage is laced with statements of the majesty and omnipotence of God: “I made the earth and created man on it; it was My hands that stretched out the heavens…”. Today's reading is a great source for you to simply pray through in praise to the glorious nature of God. If you want to read more about Cyrus, you can do so [here].
June 15
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 532 (6/15) – Psalms 113:1-9; Isaiah 44:6-20; Ephesians 2:1-10
Today we read of the foolishness of worshiping that which is a lie (“Is there not a lie in my right hand?”) made of temporal things, including temporal notions and whims, rather than the eternal true God, who has, by His grace saved us. Note the parallel here. Our work doesn’t save us. Even our faith is a gift of God. But it is His workmanship that has created us for good works. How great is the truth of God’s Word!
June 14
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 531 (6/14) – Psalms 30:1-12; 139:1-24; Ephesians 1:1-23
From the Psalms: I suppose it could be said that one of the key differences between those who are truly in Christ and those who aren’t is this: the ever-presence of the Lord to one is horrifying; to the other it is deep joy and comfort. It would be good for you to list the amazing things God has done for us in the Ephesians passage today. There are more than a dozen. The video is very good. Take note of verse 1:10.
June 13
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 530 (6/13) – Proverbs 21:1-31; John 20:14-18; Matthew 28:8-10; Mark 16:9-11; Luke 24:9-11
Read through the Proverbs 21 as a family and ask what struck them, for there is so much here. This struck me: "A wise man scales the city of the mighty and brings down the stronghold in which they trust.” We live in a culture that trusts in many strongholds that are foolishly fragile. We should be the light and salt that shows the true Rock in whom to trust. We do so because of our risen Savior, Jesus. Can you even imagine what that morning must have been like for Mary Magdalene?
June 12
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 529 (6/12) – Isaiah 43:1-44:5; Matthew 28:5-7; Mark 16:5-8; Luke 24:4-8
Our passage today, as the Lord does often, weaves in and out of current events and prophetic events, foreshadowing the Messianic age, “I will pour out my Spirit upon your offspring…” and “...my sons from afar and my daughters from the end of the earth, everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory…”. One of the key evidences to the validity of the Resurrection accounts that is important in our neighborly apologetics is that the announcement was delivered first to the women. You can read more about that [here].
June 11
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 528 (6/11) – Isaiah 42:1-25; Matthew 28:11-15; Mark 16:1-4; Luke 24:1-3; John 20:11-13
Isaiah 42 brings to us the first of four “Servant Songs” or “Messiah Songs”. You can read a summary of them [here]. Matthew brings to us the first of the Resurrection Polemic. It is critical for the Christian who is making a case for Christ to understand. You can read more about it [here]. The empty tomb brings to mind the call of the Lord in our passage from Isaiah: “Hear, you deaf, and look, you blind, that you may see!” God certainly provided bold and clear evidence on that Resurrection morning.
June 10
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 527 (6/10) – Isaiah 41:1-29
Who is the One who holds all of history in His hands? Today God makes it clear that history is His-Story. And for this reason, we are not to be afraid. If you are in Christ, you are the offspring of Abraham: “whom I took from the ends of the earth, and called from the farthest corners…” Therefore God says to you: “fear not, for I am with you.” Relish in this truth today. Bury it in your heart.
June 9
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 526 (6/9) – Isaiah 39:1-40:31
What an incredible narrative regarding the majesty and power and sovereignty of God! “All the nations are as nothing before Him…” “To whom will you liken God…?" Take some time and meditate on our reading for today. Read it together and discuss what struck each of you.
June 8
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 525 (6/8) – Isaiah 38:1-22; 2 Kings 20:12-19; 2 Chronicles 32:24-31; Matthew 28:1-4; John 20:1-10; Luke 24:12
We have much today and it is all worth discussing as a family. Note Hezekiah, a good king, was still subject to a fallen nature and pride. Note the envoys from Bablyon who came to inquire about the miracle with the sun (which tells us it wasn’t simply local). Many doubt this miracle, for they unfortunately don’t consider that the God who spoke everything into being could control all the molecules necessary to reverse the sun. The biggest, however, is the resurrection of Jesus. This is the key apologetic for Christianity. The grave clothes are particularly important and why the disciples knew His body had not been stolen. You may want to read about the head cloth [here].
June 7
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 524 (6/7) – 2 Kings 19:20-20:11; 2 Chronicles 32:20-23; Luke 23:50-56; John 19:38-42; Matthew 27:62-66
I was struck today by the reality of God’s design to answer our prayer and act accordingly. He answered Hezekiah and Jerusalem was spared. He answered his prayer and he was given 15 more years of life. The movement of the sun is a miraculous mystery to us. But it is not a mystery concerning the death and burial of Jesus. His dead body was wrapped according to Jewish custom and He was laid in a tomb. Although it was the chief priests and Pharisees that wanted to make sure the tomb was secured, it was God’s way of making the resurrection truth undoubtable. What could be more unassailable than to have a guard of soldiers there when the resurrection occurred?
June 6
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 523 (6/6) – 2 Chronicles 32:9-19; Isaiah 37:21-38; Mark 15:42-47; Matthew 27:57-61
Sennacherib boasted because he had conquered many gods, but they were not the true God. He wrongly thought that Yahweh was just like the others. But it was the sovereign Hand of the true God that had given Sennacherib his power and it was that Hand that would take Sennacherib’s life. Verse 25 clearly presents the sovereignty of God: "Have you not heard that I determined it long ago?" It is this sovereignty that provides so much of our hope. His purposes and plans for us will take place just as He promised. No one can thwart Him.
June 5
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 522 (6/5) – Isaiah 37:1-20; 2 Kings 19:1-19; John 19:28-37
How refreshing it is to read of a king who has his trust in the Lord! Oh, would it not be a grand thing to have today? Let’s pray that it might be so. When Isaiah spoke the word of the Lord about what He would do to protect Jerusalem from the Assyrians, it was as good as done. God’s Word will never fail. Even some of the most hidden portions, like the prophecy concerning Jesus, that His bones would not be broken, would be fulfilled just as it had been said. Spend some time today in meditation upon the promises of God concerning you, if you are in Christ. For they will, without fail, be fulfilled.
June 4
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 521 (6/4) – Psalms 31:1-24; Micah 7:18-20; Matthew 27:45-56; Luke 23:44-49
Jesus quotes from His own Word, Psalm 31, before His death on the cross. The symbolism of the curtain being torn in two at His death is worth our meditation today. The curtain represented that which separated sinful man from the Holy God. Jesus tore that down because of His sacrifice for us. Consider this today: “You will cast all our sins into the depths of the sea.”
June 3
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 520 (6/3) – 2 Kings 18:19-37; Isaiah 36:4-22
It is hard to accurately understand the dangerous situation that was facing Hezekiah and the people of Jerusalem. The Assyrian forces were overwhelming and brutal. This is not unique to their day, for Christians throughout history often find themselves confronted by what seems to be overwhelming odds. We are faced with an evil worldview today that seeks to destroy all that is truly true and good. The question for us, as it was for Hezekiah, is will we trust in the Lord?
June 2
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 519 (6/2) – Micah 7:14-17; 2 Chronicles 32:1-8; Isaiah 36:1-3; 2 Kings 18:13-18
Shennacherib is a powerful force. He has taken most everything he wants and is now headed to Jerusalem.Can you imagine the fear that would rise in the hearts of those in Jerusalem. But Hezekiah is going to remain faithful to the Lord and the Lord is going to show Himself strong. Note Hezekiah’s statement: “With him is an arm of flesh, but with us is the Lord our God, to help us and to fight our battles.” This faith is one that is needed by us today for we face a similarly powerful force in our culture today. Do not give in.
June 1
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 519 (6/2) – Micah 7:14-17; 2 Chronicles 32:1-8; Isaiah 36:1-3; 2 Kings 18:13-18
Shennacherib is a powerful force. He has taken most everything he wants and is now headed to Jerusalem.Can you imagine the fear that would rise in the hearts of those in Jerusalem. But Hezekiah is going to remain faithful to the Lord and the Lord is going to show Himself strong. Note Hezekiah’s statement: “With him is an arm of flesh, but with us is the Lord our God, to help us and to fight our battles.” This faith is one that is needed by us today for we face a similarly powerful force in our culture today. Do not give in.
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