October 31
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 670 (10/31) – Psalms 74:1-23; 2 Chronicles 36:22-23; Ezra 1:1-11; Acts 27:27-44
It would be good to open your Bibles and note that the last verse before the declaration of Cyrus was this: “All the days that it lay desolate it kept Sabbath, to fulfill seventy years.” Now the Lord uses Cyrus to fulfill His promise as we read yesterday in Jeremiah 29:10. The Psalm today is a testimony to the greatness of God and prayer for Him to “remember”. God, of course, never forgets His promises, but we are given the privilege to ask His hand to move. And His hand did move, for He not only “stirred up” Cyrus for this, but He also “stirred up” those who returned to Judah to rebuild the house of the Lord. As God worked in Cyrus and the people to fulfill His purposes and plans, so, too, did He work in the storm and the shipwreck to bring Paul and all on board to safety, according to His Word. This is a cause for great worship. As we start Ezra and then Nehemiah, it would be good to view the video overview.
October 30
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 669 (10/30) – Daniel 9:1-27; Acts 27:13-26
Daniel’s prayer is an awesome template for any who desire to confess the corporate sins of their country and pray for God’s mercy. Daniel refers to the promise of God back in Jeremiah 29:10, “When seventy years are completed for Babylon, I will visit you, and I will fulfill to you my promise and bring you back to this place.” This brings us to the famous “seventy years” that has been the subject of many a commentary and many an interpretation. [Here] is a good summary of those views from the ESV Study Bible. What is interesting is that God fulfilled the 70 years under Babylon when Babylon fell to the Medes and Persians, but God then shows Daniel that the prophecy is more complex and goes deeper. However, be assured that God’s word and promises and prophecy are wholly true. The pilot of the ship Paul was sailing in learned that lesson well.
October 29
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 668 (10/29) –Daniel 8:1-27; Acts 27:1-12
Today we have one of those very few delightful moments when God delivers prophecy, which is so veiled in symbolism, and then gives us the interpretation. The prophecy concerns the rise of Alexander the Great, the dividing of his empire among his four generals, and the rise of the very evil Antiochus IV Epiphanes. He banned circumcision, ended the temple sacrifices, burned copies of the Scriptures, and slaughtered thousands of Jews who did not bow the knee. His coin inscribed “god manifest” as he believed he was god on earth. The prophecy is so precise in its predictions that it has caused unbelievers to declare this had to be written after the events occurred. This unbelief in God’s sovereignty and prophecy is found in the centurion who “paid more attention to the pilot… than to what Paul said” though it would eventually end up in shipwreck. So true then; so true today.
October 28
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 667 (10/28) –Daniel 6:1-28
There is controversy over “Darius the Mede” for we find no archeological evidence for him. That doesn’t mean much, for the Bible is continually shown to get its history correct as new evidence is found. Regardless, Daniel has found favor in the eyes of Darius, but the jealousy of the other authorities sought to find a way to get rid of Daniel. They found that way by deviously bringing about a law that was contrary to Daniel’s faith. Either way this turned out, they thought they would win. If Daniel capitulates, they compromise and neutralize him and evil reigns. If he doesn’t, then the power of the law will destroy him. Contemplate and discuss how this seems to be a continual tactic of the world and the enemy up to our own time. By the way, do you feel for Darius through all of this? What an incredible testimony he makes to God at the end.
October 27
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 666 (10/27) –Daniel 5:1-31
Today we read the well known account of “the writing on the wall”. Belshazzar had defiled the vessels taken from the temple in Jerusalem and God used that event to bring His message in a dramatic way. What struck me was Daniel’s words, after recounting how God had humbled Nebuchadnezzar:: “...you…Belshazzar, have not humbled your heart, though you knew all this.” And the true God who “rules the kingdom of mankind and sets over it whom He will” brought mighty Babylon to its end that very night (539 B.C.). How often men and nations dance and party not knowing their judgment is near. Would that our leaders might humble themselves before the God who gives them the authority to rule. Would that we might do the same.
October 26
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 665 (10/26) – Psalms 77:1-20; Jeremiah 52:31-34; 2 Kings 25:27-30; Acts 26:1-32
[Here] is a summary of Asaph. The story of Jehoiachin is made more interesting in today’s reading. We do not know why Evil-merodach (who succeeded his father, Nebuchadnezzar, then reigned for two years, B.C. 561-560, and was killed by his brother-in-law because he ruled poorly) showed such kindness to Jehoiachin. Some believe it was because of Daniel, who was still in Babylon at the time. Paul’s defense before Agrippa is fascinating to me for its respect and tact and enlightening details. Those details are worth a good discussion.
October 25
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 664 (10/25) – Ezekiel 29:17-30:19; Acts 25:1-27
We go back to read how God declares that the army of Nebuchadnezzar “worked for Him” and Egypt was given over as spoils for their wages. Just as God worked through Babylon to judge Israel, He worked also through the same army to judge Egypt. God is always righteous and just in His actions, even when He uses the kings of the world to carry them out. You may want to note how often God uses the first person in this judgment such as “I have set fire to Egypt” and “I will dry up the Nile”. For those who think that Christians are supposed to be passive before abusers and accusers, note Paul’s defense before Felix and Herod Agrippa II. If you are confused by all of the “Herods” in the New Testament (there are four of them), [here] is a good summary.
October 24
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 663 (10/24) – Ezekiel 48:1-35; Acts 24:1-27
The division of the land described here is very different from the division we read about in Joshua 13-19. The division in Ezekiel is numerically based rather than based upon the physical features of the land. To graph it looks like latitudinal lines running East to West, long rectangles up against each other from south to north. Paul uses tact and logic in his defense before Felix.
October 23
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 662 (10/23) – Ezekiel 46:19-47:23; Acts 23:12-35
Our mystery deepens, for now there is water that flows out of the temple, bringing life. What do you think? Do the thousand cubits represent years? Are we in the “knee-deep” water? The hatred for Paul was intense. Can you imagine forty men taking a vow like this to kill him? Remember John 15:18: “If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you.” Ah, but the river still rises.
October 22
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 661 (10/22) – Ezekiel 45:13-46:18; Acts 22-22-23:11
I was struck by the Lord’s command that the prince was not to take the property of the people. It would be a blessing if we followed this command today. The Jews turn quickly against Paul because of what he said in our reading three days ago. What set them off was saying that he had been sent to the Gentiles. Paul uses wisdom and logic in his defense before the tribune and the Jews. It is not wrong to do so.
October 21
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 660 (10/21) – Ezekiel 44:24-45:12
More things add to the mystery: there will be disputes and the priests will act as the judges. There will be princes (kings) who will be ruling. Moreover, in the midst of this, the Lord takes the princes to task for violence and oppression.
October 20
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 659 (10/20) – Ezekiel 43:13-44:23
We read that there were to be blood sacrifices in this temple and the sons of Zadok would be the favored priests. This adds to the mystery. We have read about Zadok during David’s reign, but you can read a summary [here].
October 19
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 658 (10/19) – Ezekiel 42:1-43:12; Acts 21:37-22:21
We finally arrive at the Lord telling Ezekiel the purpose for the temple and its descriptions. Have you more thoughts now concerning the mystery of “Ezekiel’s temple”? Paul demonstrates his multi-language ability here, speaking Greek to the tribune and Hebrew to the people. He now begins his testimony…one of the most remarkable testimonies of all.
October 18
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 657 (10/18) – Ezekiel 40:47-41:26; Acts 21:15-36
This event in Acts is one of the most controversial and, for some, the most perplexing in the entire book. The issue is this: why did Paul submit himself to a purification act that elsewhere he teaches that it is Christ’s sacrifice that cleanses and purifies us, not the working of the law? You may want to study the various views and have a good discussion on this. My position is found in Paul’s teaching on whether it is right to eat meat sacrificed to an idol. I don’t believe Paul was backing down on the truth here, but he was attempting to diffuse a tense situation following a rite that was still important to those in Jerusalem for the sake of gaining the right to speak Truth. What do you think?
October 17
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 656 (10/17) – Ezekiel 40:17-46; Acts 21:1-14
We are reading more of the temple. Can you discern those things that are missing from the earlier temples? There is some controversy regarding the warning given to Paul about going to Jerusalem and Paul’s determination to go. Was the Holy Spirit warning Paul not to go and yet he went anyway? There certainly can be no contradiction in what the Holy Spirit says. Did God allow Paul to go, though not His perfect will? Were the saints not hearing the Spirit of God rightly or did they add their own emotional desires? Food for a good discussion, remembering that what is not clearly revealed to us may not be a necessity for us to know.
October 16
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 655 (10/16) – Daniel 4:19-37; Ezekiel 40:1-16; Acts 20:13-38
It doesn’t take Nebuchadnezzar long to forget the divine interpretation given to him. His heart becomes proud and he is disciplined until he comes to his “senses” and delivers an amazing declaration of God’s sovereignty. Oh, that the kings of the earth would acknowledge God this was today. The extensive vision of the temple that we begin to read in Ezekiel 40 is subject to many diverse interpretations. It would be good to read it in the context of the sovereignty of God, that He will, in the end, be worshiped. I was struck by the love that the saints had for Paul.
October 15
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 654 (10/15) – Ezekiel 33:10-20; Psalms 137:1-9; Daniel 4:1-18; Acts 20:1-12
Here is an appropriate statement from Matthew Henry on this Ezekiel passage: “In all disputes between God and his creatures it will certainly be found that he is in the right and they are in the wrong.” I sometimes wonder if the Lord does not look at our culture and say: “Why will you die?” Do we lament for the unrighteousness in our land? Do we pray that God will grant us repentance? In our passage in Acts, the gathering on the first day of the week probably was at sundown on Saturday. Paul speaks until midnight, Eutychus falls out the window and dies, Paul brings him back to life, then they break bread and talk until sunrise. Just another Sunday meeting!
October 14
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 653 (10/14) – Ezekiel 33:1-9; Proverbs 29:1-27
This passage haunts me. I think often of the mantle that has been laid upon the leaders God has ordained for His institutional church. That mantle, I believe, lays a unique responsibility upon his shoulders to warn both believers and non-believers, citizens and governors, workers and owners, children and parents, saints and clerics. To warn them of the judgments that come from the Lord because of sin and to turn from their evil ways. How true the Proverb: “He who is often reproved, yet stiffens his neck, will suddenly be broken beyond healing.”
October 13
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 652 (10/13) – Psalms 119:97-128
This would be a great passage for you to read together and simply ask: “what struck you” and then discuss those things. There is so much here, but these struck me: “I hold back my feet from every evil way, in order to keep your word” and “ I consider all your precepts to be right; I hate every false way.” This would be good to memorize and repeat every day.
October 12
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 651 (10/12) – 1 Chronicles 8:1-40; Acts 19:1-20
If we haven’t gotten the message that God will bring down nations that defy Him, we certainly get it today, beginning with Him bringing “the ruin of the pride of Egypt” followed by the list of nations that join Egypt “in the pit”, in “Sheol”: Assyria, Elam, Meshech-Tubal, Edom, “princes of the north”, and “all the Sidonians”. Nations and peoples should tremble before God when they begin to go their own prideful way. The riot in Ephesus is not a unique reaction to the Truth of God and the Way. It upsets the way of the world and the world will rise up to destroy it. But God and His Truth will prevail over the most powerful forces of the world, the flesh and the enemy.
October 11
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 650 (10/11) – 1 Chronicles 8:1-40; Acts 19:1-20
There are three places, after Pentecost, where we are told that the Holy Spirit came upon people in such a way that it was made clear that the New Covenant was going beyond the ethnic confines of the Old Covenant. The first was to the Samaritans (Acts 8), the second was to the Gentiles (Acts 10) and finally to this unique group of people, who were disciples of John the Baptist. We saw this in Apollos and now with other disciples of John in Ephesus. Apparently they knew the message of John regarding repentance and looking forward to Messiah, but maybe not much more about Jesus. In a culture where magic incantations and tokens from the darkness were used, God countered by His amazing power. The amount of books they burned was over $6 million. In the midst of all the “objects” used here, I find it interesting that our passage ends with “the word of the Lord continued to increase and prevail mightily.” Don’t get caught up in tokens or icons. Stay firm in the Word.
October 10
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 649 (10/10) – 1 Chronicles 7:11-40; Acts 18:18-28
There are differences in these genealogies from others we have seen so far. The key for this may be 7:40: “...enrolled by genealogies, for service in war…” which probably means we are getting the military registrations here. We don’t know what vow Paul had made to not cut his hair. Verse 18:22, “...went up and greeted the church, and then went down…” most likely means the church at Jerusalem. I like that Apollos is mentioned. There is no jealousy here. Paul is not “the man” and no one else. God is multiplying His Church and raising up others in that work. Notice that Priscilla and Aquila “took him aside”. He was not rebuked in public.
October 9
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 648 (10/9) – 1 Chronicles 5:11-6:15; Acts 18:1-17
There is much today. Since we, who are in Christ, are the “Royal Priesthood” (Hebrews 7:12, 1 Peter 2:5,9) it seems appropriate to pay special attention to the descendants of Levi, for there is a kinship there. Note, the clear reality of God giving the Reubenites victory, though, sadly, it appears they didn’t remain faithful (15:26) reminding us that when God blesses a nation, that blessing can be withdrawn. We have archeological evidence for Gallio as proconsul in A.D. 51-52, so it gives us a timestamp for this event (18:12-16).
October 8
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 647 (10/8) – 1 Chronicles 4:24-5:10; 1 Corinthians 16:1-24
We are now going back to pick up the genealogies of the rest of the twelve tribes, having read the genealogy of Judah and then followed their history up to the fall to Babylon. I would encourage you to slow down and read each name. You want to know you have read every word of God’s Word when we are through. Note several things as Paul closes out his letter to the Corinthians. First of all, his expressed love for them. Second, his concern for the terrible conditions of the saints in Jerusalem, which prompted the collection for them. Finally, note that the early Christians met in homes, and they were called “churches”. There is archeological evidence that some homes were enlarged for this very purpose.
October 7
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 646 (10/7) – Ezekiel 39:1-29
Many have tried to equate the Gog and Magog in Ezekiel 38-39 with the Gog and Magog of Revelation 20:7-8. Be aware that there are some serious complications with doing so. I would suggest it is more profitable to contemplate the glory of God that is revealed here. Discuss the attributes and aspects of God and His nature that are clearly revealed rather than getting caught up in what is difficult to understand. Sometimes God veils things for His own purposes and plans. Don’t let that trouble you.
October 7
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 646 (10/7) – Ezekiel 39:1-29
Many have tried to equate the Gog and Magog in Ezekiel 38-39 with the Gog and Magog of Revelation 20:7-8. Be aware that there are some serious complications with doing so. I would suggest it is more profitable to contemplate the glory of God that is revealed here. Discuss the attributes and aspects of God and His nature that are clearly revealed rather than getting caught up in what is difficult to understand. Sometimes God veils things for His own purposes and plans. Don’t let that trouble you.
October 6
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 645 (10/6) – Ezekiel 37:15-38:23
These are difficult passages to interpret confidently. For the first part, you might want to discuss what the prophecy is pointing to. This verse is interesting: “They shall not defile themselves anymore with their idols and their detestable things, or with any of their transgressions.” When is this? For the second part, “Gog” and “Magog” have been the subject of much speculation, though the Scripture is not clear on just who this is. There are hints. Can you see them? The main point is to see the total sovereignty of God in all of this. The devastation spoken of in verses 19-22 is breathtaking. When is this? Good discussion for you to have.
October 5
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 644 (10/5) – Ezekiel 36:16-37:14; 1 Corinthians 15:35-58
Our passage today points us to the grand purposes and plans of God and the ultimate victory over the fallen nature of this world. The Name of God is to be held holy. Inherent in this is that His promises and covenant with Abraham will be upheld, regardless of the sinfulness of His people. God will bring to life even what appears to be a valley of dry bones. It is the Spirit of God that gives new and everlasting life. God will take the “perishable” and make it “imperishable”; death will be swallowed up in victory. Note the economy of God in that He uses Ezekiel to prophesy over the dry bones and our passage ends with the enjoinment to be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord. Don’t sit on the sidelines.​
October 4
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 643 (10/4) – Ezekiel 35:1-36:15; 1 Corinthians 15:12-34
As Mount Zion is identified with Judah, so Mount Seir is identified with Edom. It is worth discussing the Lord’s promise: “I will not let you hear anymore the reproach of the nations…” Paul makes the case that without the resurrection, our faith is in vain and we would still be in our sins, lost. Additionally, without the resurrection of Christ, those who have died have perished. It would be good for us to meditate, ponder and focus on the resurrection more than just one day a year, for it is the key apologetic for Christianity and was a constant theme of the apostolic teaching.​
October 3
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 642 (10/3) – Ezekiel 33:21-34:31; 1 Corinthians 15:1-11
We have before us today an amazing passage that starts with God’s devastating judgment upon the people and the land; upon those in the city and those in the caves; upon the shepherds and the sheep. But it ends with Him seeking out His sheep and restoring them. All this points to the grace that comes from the work of Christ where eventually, under a covenant of “peace”, they will no longer be hungry; they will no longer be prey; there will be security and no more reproach. Instead, there will be showers of blessings where God is the shepherd. Paul then delivers to us the critical and early [creed] that highlights the resurrection of Christ. May all of this provoke wonder and wonderful discussions today.
October 2
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 641 (10/2) – Psalms 96:1-13, 98:1-9; Acts 17:16-34
We are blessed with two wonderful psalms of praise today. Read them as a song to the Lord. Paul’s statement (from the Holy Spirit) is one of those amazing declarations of God’s sovereignty and purpose for the nations: “And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, that they should seek God…for in HIm we live and move and have our being.” Wow!
October 1
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 640 (10/1) – Jeremiah 44:1-30; Acts 17:1-15
The “queen of heaven” (Ishtar or Ashtoreth) was considered to be the wife of Baal (Molech). They believed fertility, which was greatly longed for in that day, came from worshiping her. Notice the resolute rejection of God’s word in favor of their own longings. It would be a good discussion to ponder what we long for today in our culture, so much so that we refuse God’s way to pursue our own. We see the same pursuit in the Jews who held to their own beliefs as they stirred up anger against the truth from Paul and Silas.
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