I have been a Christian for well over 50 years. That's not to say that I have always been confident of my salvation.

My first awakening occurred during my early college years, when my professors were trying so hard to make me feel less than intelligent because of my conservative Christian beliefs. Professors were slowly whittling away at my belief in God.

That was unalteringly settled for me, when I discovered DNA in a freshman Biology class. That was brand new information in 1964. DNA sealed the deal for me. I remember lifting my hands heavenward and saying, "I will never doubt you again, Father." That was the day I lost my parents' faith and received my own.  I knew for sure who God was, but I wasn't sure where I fit into the equation.

The next awakening occurred when my first son was born. That's when I came to understand the absolute love of a father for his children; but I was still not secure in my own salvation.

In my early forties, I was blessed to hear the still small voice of God, during a time of personal prayer and Bible study. I was praying for God to help me, because I was still feeling unworthy. As clear as a bell, I heard the words, "Roll back the stone." No one else was around. I knew who it had to be. It took me a while, but that encounter finally led to me understanding that the tomb is still empty, that Jesus really is alive and that my sin-debt has been paid in full.

I finally knew, in my heart, what Jesus has done for me, that I couldn't possibly have done for myself. Once I was assured of my salvation, I became free to help others find theirs.

This is where The Truth Project came in. I was a student, through a Wednesday evening Bible study, during the first round of Del Tackett's teaching. The more I listened to his presentation, the more I began to know that what I know is real and that it is from God. I bought the program and used it to teach others; many of whom now have the same confidence, knowing that what they know is real and that it comes from God.

Yes, I have finally become fully confident in the love, grace, power and mercy of the great God we serve; and where I fit in.

Thank you for The Truth Project.

Praise Him!







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  • Marc Fey

    Marc Fey

    Bob, thank you for sharing your story here...and for all you have done to lead others with The Truth Project. What a beautiful description of how God's truth transformed your life--how you knew that what you believed is really real...in your words--"the more I began to know that what I know is real and that it is from God." Yes, confidence is a gift from God, not a feeling we muster up. Thanks for all you've done over the years to help others grasp this same confidence in their faith!
  • Elaine Grenon

    Elaine Grenon

    Thank you for sharing your experience with the Truth project. My experience was much like yours. It gave me the confidence that what I believe is really real. I also bought the "Truth Project. My husband and I led many small groups to present the project. We all gained much confidence to follow closer to ther Lord and with the guidence of the Holy Spirit we realized the importance of getting out the gospel, in a world that is out of control with no hope. The only hope we have is in Jesus. We all are waiting eagerly for the next project. Many of us will gather together with the confidence in knowing we will draw even closer to the Lord. I pray for Del often, to continue his walk with the Lord.