Metamorphoo (μεταμορφόω) (Romans 12:2)

Thanks be to God for The Truth Project! —“Really Real” and stronger is my foundation because of it; I came out of my cocoon.  — “Eyes wide shut” had their spiritual cataracts removed so I could see where to put my feet … and why. — Now planning a future TrueU lesson for grandkids; we just completed Drive Thru History’s “The Gospels”; — C.S. Lewis, Francis Schaeffer, Nancy Pearcey, Koukl, Turek, Colson, Hillsdale College are in my library and mind now. Summit's new trilogy is staring at me right now … the list goes on with the Bible holding a unique spot of Its own of course. — I thank the Lord and give credit to TTL for “One Giant Step" for this man.   —   What is truth?  — Today I get out the way so the Lord can have His Way and put head knowledge into foot knowledge via the heart.  — Understanding and engaging the captive culture which exhibits a Stockholm Syndrome pathology needs powerful and worthy tools; I found those tools beginning with TTL.   —  

Love to Del, Marc and all my brothers and sisters who are willing suffering servants. —


— P.S. "The Engagement" ... Bring it on!

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  • Marc Fey

    Marc Fey

    Thank you, Mick, for sharing this story...I share many of the same experiences through my own "cocoons" over the years!
  • Mick O'Brien

    Mick O'Brien

    Marc, "Cocoons"— plural for sure. I must apologize for using “TTL” and not “TTP” in abbreviating “The Truth Project”. It’s a photography shortcut “Through the Lens” burned into my synapse.
  • Marc Fey

    Marc Fey

    Mick, No worries on the TTL..."through the lens" sounds like a good Biblical worldview concept!