Livestream Series:

Understanding Our Times
and the Biblical Path Forward

Part 1

The rise of the scoffer & the depraved mind

In this first of 7 webinars, Dr. Tackett discusses the 7 areas in our culture where God's truth is being directly assaulted.


The Rise of Homo Deus and Meo Christianity

This the 2nd of 7 Livestream Events with Dr. Tackett.


The Loss of the Noble Male and the Rise of Malevolent Compassion

This the 3rd of 7 Livestream Events with Dr. Tackett.


The Consolidation of Massive Earthly Power

This the 4th of 7 Livestream Events with Dr. Tackett.


The Rise of a Demonic Worldview & the National Rift

This the 5th of 7 Livestream Events with Dr. Tackett.


America, Addicted and Soft, Dependent and Lost

This the 6th of 7 Livestream Events with Dr. Tackett.

Part 7

The Attack Upon the Biblical Family

This the 7th of 7 Livestream Events with Dr. Tackett.

Livestream presentation in the Series:

7 Threats in Our Culture,
Wrap-Up: Where Do We Go From HERE?

Additional Livestream Presentations

"socialism/marxism and a biblical worldvdiew"

Dr. Tackett teaches about the growth of a socialist/marxist worldview, and contrasts that with a Biblical worldview. 

"is something strange happening?"

Dr. Tackett shows how important the resurrection of Jesus Christ is to live from a Biblical worldview. 

"Looking at today through a biblical worldview

We live in challenging times. See how Dr. Tackett frames the current challenges in light of a Biblical worldview.

* There are no slides available from this presentation.

Monthly Livestream Events with Dr. Tackett


Dr. Tackett shares insights about how we can understand the times we live in.


See how a Biblical view applies to all  of life, including the headlines we read every day.


As important as understanding the times we live in, you'll get actionable steps to live a fruitful life.

" What a beautiful thing it is to hear and know that God has been working so greatly in the filming of the Engagement Project and how lives have already begun to change. My own life was challenged, impacted, and changed by what I learned at [your live teaching of] the Engagement Project."  Robin, Kansas