Understanding Our Times & the Biblical Path Forward,
Part 2, The Rise of Homo Deus and Meo Christianity

Homo Deus and the Rise of Meo Christianity


Download the slides by clicking HERE

7 Threats in Our Times: The Rise of the Scoffer and Depraved Mind

Part 1 in Dr. Tackett's Livestream Series:


Download the slides by clicking HERE.

Register for the Next Livestream by clicking HERE.

3 Steps to Take at DelTackett.com

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Sign Up for the Next "7 Threats in Our Times" Webinar

Our next webinar is on Tuesday, February 1 (first Tuesday of the month). Click the button to register (we'll send the replay to you if you're not able to attend live).

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Hundreds of new Engagement Project small groups are starting all around the country (and we're also seeing international groups start). Check out training here:

" What a beautiful thing it is to hear and know that God has been working so greatly in the filming of the Engagement Project and how lives have already begun to change. My own life was challenged, impacted, and changed by what I learned at [your live teaching of] the Engagement Project."  Robin, Kansas