BibleStudyTogether DailyReadings

A 2-Year Chronological & Thematic Journey through God's Word
with Daily Comments from Dr. Del Tackett.

Photo by Casey Horner on Unsplash

January 1

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 1 – Genesis 1:1-2:4

As we read this opening section of Scripture today, let us immerse our minds in wonder at the attributes of God that are on display here. In Romans 1 we are told that the invisible attributes of God, His eternal power and divine nature, are plainly seen ever since creation by what God has made. Ask God to make Himself plain to you in these verses and be in awe before Him. By the way, don’t miss the “Video” links that are often part of the day’s readings by the Bible Project. Watch them with your family.

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December 31

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 731 (12/31) – Finished!

Thank you for reading through the Scriptures with us and congratulations! We have read every word of God’s Word! We may not have understood everything and we may not have made good application of everything, but that is why we continually read the Scriptures and ask the Holy Spirit to “guide us into all Truth”. May the Lord bless these two years. If you want to start again or know someone who may want to do so, we will begin tomorrow, January 1. If possible, do so with someone with whom you can discuss “What struck you?” To continue to receive the daily reminders, sign up here:

December 30

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 730 (12/30) – Proverbs 12:1-28; Psalms 150:1-6

It is impossible to provide any kind of adequate summary of our two-year study, for the Word of God is vast. This is why it is good to read it and then ask what struck us, for the Spirit of God will highlight those things we need. So, I will close with the three things that struck me from today’s readings: 1. Proverbs 12:7, “The wicked are overthrown and are no more, but the house of the righteous will stand.” Surely we have read this truth over and over again throughout the Scripture and we finished with a look at the glorious end of the story, as those who have been made righteous by the work of Christ enter into their Promised Land while evil and wickedness and death are conquered and overthrown. This is worthy of praise. 2. Because I am so fully convinced that the Royal Law is the only biblical path forward, Proverbs 12:26 stands out to me: “One who is righteous is a guide to his neighbor…”. Oh, how I pray this will become the practice of the Body of Christ in our culture, that the “light” of the joyful, fruitful life of a Christian family will bring about significant relationships with their neighbor such that “they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven.” 3. And how appropriate to end with this, Psalm 150:6: “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!”

December 29

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 729 (12/29) – Proverbs 30:1-33

Again, it is best to read the Proverbs and simply ask what struck you, for there are so many different elements. I was struck by verses 2-6, especially as we come down to the end of our two-year reading through the Bible. God’s Word is true and wisdom calls us to study it and humble ourselves before it, making sure we do not add to His Words (remember yesterday’s warning in Revelation 22:18-19). The highlight of “every word” (verse 5) reminds us of 2 Timothy 3:16, “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness…” May we continually be in awe that God has given us this precious gift, the very words of God, in written form, that we might daily feast upon them.

December 28

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 728 (12/28) – Proverbs 6:12-19; Daniel 12: 5-13; Revelation 22:1-21

This Proverb is so very meaningful to me, for it lays out such clarity against much in our culture, especially the parts about sowing discord. The passage should stimulate a good discussion. Today we finish with the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation. There are, again,  many different interpretations here, none of which, in my mind, fit everything perfectly. You may want to discuss a key timing phrase, “when the shattering of the power of the holy people comes to an end all these things would be finished” (12:7). You may want to read Matthew 24:15-16 today, for Jesus refers to our Daniel passage regarding the "abomination of desolation”. Remember, Daniel spoke of this three times: 9:27, 11:31, and now 12:11. The “river of life” in Revelation brings to mind the river of Eden and the glorious temple of Ezekiel 47. We also see again that the “leaves are for the healing of the nations”. You may want to count how many times we have the word “soon” in this closing chapter of the Bible. Regardless of the differences of interpretation, don’t lose sight of the glorious ending!

December 27

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 727 (12/27) – Joel 3:1-21; Revelation 21:9-27

Joel begins with “in those days”, referring to the end of chapter 2. Remember this was quoted by Peter in Acts 2:17-21. There is no known, literal, “Valley of Jehoshaphat”. In Hebrew, it means “Yahweh has judged”. This is probably the same called “valley of decision” in verse 14. Again, there is much disagreement on interpretation, but don’t miss the overall picture here: God will fully and totally judge evil and blessings will flow to the righteous. Note also that God judges nations as well as individuals. We read of that blessed state in Revelation where the “Bride, the wife of the Lamb” is now revealed to be the new Jerusalem in all of her detailed splendor. I was struck by this: “By its light will the nations walk…” and “They will bring into it the glory and the honor of the nations.” Again, we see the prominence of “nations” in God’s purposes and plans. Do you think there is an application for us today, since Jesus said we were the “light of the world”? Are we fulfilling that?

December 26

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 726 (12/26) – Psalms 21:1-13; Proverbs 11:1-7; Revelation 21:1-8

Both the Psalm and Proverbs today present a familiar contrast between the blessings that eventually come to the righteous and the curses that eventually befall the wicked. In Revelation, the “eventually” arrives and we finally come to the “It is done!” declaration from God who is the “Alpha and the Omega” and who makes “all things new”. Here we have the “new heavens” and the “new earth” and the “new Jerusalem” (which you may notice is always referred to as ‘coming down out of heaven’). The hope of those who are in Christ is found in all of this, which is both a here and now and yet to come. Rejoice in this today.

December 25

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 725 (12/25) – Proverbs 6:6-11, 14:22-35; 2 Thessalonians 3:1-18

The Scripture is always relevant, but I was struck by our passages today regarding work. When a culture becomes obsessed with its own comfort and pleasure, seeking entertainment more than employment, jobs go unfilled and the economy suffers. When the economy suffers, the people suffer. Did you notice 14:28? Negative population growth will bring much travail. What struck you today? There is much here. You might have a great conversation over 3:7-8. Paul’s closing sentence has led some to believe there were already forgeries on the rise. Was this “sign” that Paul used a statement concerning the grace of the Lord? That’s an interesting thing to examine.

December 24

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 724 (12/24) – Psalms 125:1-5; Daniel 11:29-12:4; 2 Thessalonians 2:1-17

Psalm 125:3 may seem confusing, but it is saying that God will not allow unrighteousness to reign forever, so that the righteous are not enticed to do evil through hopelessness. The prophecy continues in Daniel and focuses, with amazing fulfilled detail, on Antiochus Epiphanes, who does bring an end to the daily sacrifice and sets up an altar to Zeus in the temple and offers him sacrifices. It is at this point that there are many different interpretations as to how far the description of Antioch Epiphanes continues in Daniel 11. Does it continue or then morph into that which appears to more match the antichrist? Again, the point is made in 12:3 that there is everlasting life and triumph over evil for those who are in Christ. This is also the message Paul is writing to the Thessalonians. Some see the prophetic words here as pointing to a still future event, others see it pointing to 70 A.D. and the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple. You might want to ponder this question, for it is intriguing: in verse 2:5, Paul says that he had been telling these things to them when he was with them earlier and is now reminding them once again of what he had earlier taught them. Do you think Paul, when he was earlier personally telling them these things, that he was speaking of an event that would take place in a few years or not for thousands of years? This will certainly provoke a good discussion!

December 23

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 723 (12/23) – Joel 2:1-32

It is important to note the entirety of our passage today–its full context. First of all, It appears as if the judgment that is described in the beginning is done so in order for the people of God to respond with true repentance. Second, the vast army that is so terrible in its power, is under the control and command of God. See “my great army”, verse 25. Finally, most importantly, the ending of our passage is quoted by Peter as having been fulfilled at Pentecost. It would be good for you to read Acts 2:17-21 today as well. Here is a critical principle: “Scripture interprets Scripture.”

December 22

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 722 (12/22) – Joel 1:1-20

Joel begins with a deep lament over the judgment that has come upon them from the Lord. The day of the Lord is a day of calamity for sins. Joel calls for a deep and true repentance, calling for the breaking of the heart rather than simply outward religious actions. I was struck by the call to “be ashamed”. This is the heart that recognizes it has transgressed against a holy God and the transgression is so grievous in nature and character that the heart and soul are ashamed by what they have done. It is a rarity in our culture today. (Be sure to watch the video overview of Joel.)

December 21

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 721 (12/21) – Daniel 11:1-28; 2 Thessalonians 1:1-12

Our reading in Daniel begins with a time stamp: 1st year of Darius the Mede. This is important for it is in this year that the decree was issued allowing the Jews to return. Following is an amazingly detailed and accurate prophecy concerning the conflict of kingdoms from Cyrus forward. Those who don’t believe in God’s sovereignty claim all of this must have been written afterwards. Much of it concentrates on two of the four empires that came out of Alexander the Great: Ptolemy (king of the south, ruling over Egypt) and Seleucid (king of the north, ruling over Syria and Babylonia). The remnant of Israel at this time was caught between these two and therefore the prophecy focuses on those two only. It is detailed to the point of even including the prophecy of Ptolemy II Philadelphus sending his daughter (Bernice) to marry Antiochus II Theos, who intended to divorce his wife, Laodice, in order to marry Bernice. But Laodice poisoned both Theos and Bernice (see 11:6). [Here is a helpful CHART that links the kings to the verses in Daniel 11]] The video overview of 2 Thessalonians is good and will be helpful as we begin that book.

December 20

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 720 (12/20) – Daniel 7:1-28; Revelation 20:1-15

We return to Daniel today to read of the four beasts. Many believe the pattern for these four was set in Daniel 2: Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greek (Alexander) and Rome. This is reinforced by the vision in Daniel 3 concerning Babylon and Nebuchadnezzar, and Daniel 8, concerning Medo-Persia, Alexander the Great and the four Hellenistic empires that rose from him. As in the other chapters, our chapter today emphasizes the final destruction of those earthly kingdoms and the time when the “saints possessed the kingdom”. Our reading in Revelation has now brought us to probably the most controversial portion of the entire book: the thousand years. Some abandon the deep symbolism of Revelation and insist this is a literal thousand years. Others stay with the symbolism and see it as simply a long period of time (i.e. “the cattle on a thousand hills”). However, the important thing to keep in mind, as we saw emphasized in Daniel, God conquers evil. The sobering difference in Revelation is that we see that judgment now comes not just to nations, but to individuals: “And if anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.” If you are not in Christ, this should be more than sobering. It should be terrifying.

December 19

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 719 (12/19) – Psalms 47:1-9, 149:1-9; Revelation 19:1-21

Our Psalms today praise the “King of all the earth” and in Revelation we see the name written on His robe and thigh: “King of kings and Lord of lords”, which is so beautifully sung in Handel’s Messiah. Take time to meditate on this aspect of God’s nature today. The founding generation in America responded to King George with “We have no king but Jesus!” Do we have that perspective today? The judgment upon the “great prostitute” and the “beast” is a testimony to the power and majesty and total sovereignty of our King and Lord. I shuddered reading “The smoke from her goes up forever and ever.” I was also struck again by the name by which our Lord is called: “The Word of God.” Clap your hands, all peoples! Shout to God with loud songs of joy!

December 18

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 718 (12/18) – Malachi 4:1-6; Proverbs 22:23-35; Revelation 18:1-24

Malachi gives us the stark contrast between those who will become ashes at His judgment and those who are His, who will “rise with healing” and leap with joy as a calf from the stall. We are then given the great prophecy of John the Baptist and the coming of the Lord, when hearts of fathers and children are turned back to one another. Notice the final words of Malachi, for if this coming of the Lord did not occur, God would bring “utter destruction”.  Proverbs warns us of the plague in our culture today. Revelation gives us the mysterious Babylon and her fall. What do you think? She has been interpreted to be everything from Rome to Jerusalem to America. “…in her was found the blood of prophets and of saints and of all who have been slain on earth.” Regardless of the interpretation, if you are in Christ, you have been raised with “healing in you wings”, and with the joy of the Lord we should be leaping with joy as the calf from a stall. Rejoice in your salvation today!

December 17

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 717 (12/17) – Malachi 2:10-3:18; Revelation 17:1-18

In Malachi, we find the strong biblical position that marriage is a covenant. In God’s design, it was intended to produce “godly offspring”. The family is therefore the headwaters for all of God’s social systems. It produces the godly king and godly citizens; it produces the godly owner and godly workers; it produces godly church leaders and the saints; it produces families who love their neighbors and so fulfill the Royal Law. The attack on the family in our times should not surprise us. Did you find more application to our culture today in the Malachi reading? There are so many different interpretations of Revelation 17 that it is important to keep this in mind: the overall picture is that even the vast power and influence of the world and its systems cannot stand against the judgment and sovereignty of God. Take comfort and joy in that.

December 16

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 716 (12/16) – Malachi 1:1-2:9

We come now to the last book in the Old Testament and one that I believe could be more relevant to our day than any other. A consistent characteristic of God’s people is to begin to think that their ways are good enough and God’s ways are burdensome and fall short of their own pleasurable desires. As we read through this book, it would be a good exercise to ask how it relates to our own time. The video overview is good and I recommend you look at it. Note the prophetic view in verse 1:11: “For from the rising of the sun to its setting my name will be great among the nations, and in every place incense will be offered to my name, and a pure offering.” We have been reading in Revelation of the “incense” which was the prayers of the saints. Malachi gives his readers a future look at the people of God from every nation, tribe and language, bringing worship and praise and prayers before His Throne. They are pure because the Holy Spirit intercedes for them.

December 15

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 715 (12/15) – Proverbs 23:1-22

As I read through the Proverbs today, this is what struck me. You may have been struck by other things, but when I read “Do not speak in the hearing of a fool, for he will despise the good sense of your words”, the Lord reminded me of how often I used to do so, thinking it was my unquestioned duty to speak truth. I did so without wisdom. The reality is that the Word of God is infinitely more wise than my blind actions, which seldom did anything but confirm the truth of this Proverb.

December 14

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 714 (12/14) – Nehemiah 13:4-31; Revelation 16:1-21

As I read Nehemiah today, I wondered if I would be courageous enough to boldly stand when everyone around me was going the wrong way. Would I find it easier to keep my mouth shut and just go about my own business? The first four bowls of wrath cover the same areas that we saw with the trumpets: earth, sea, rivers and springs, and the sun. In 6:15, we find the third of seven “benedictions” given in Revelation: “Blessed is the one…” (1:3, 14:13, 16:15, 19:9, 20:6, 22:7, 22:14). As usual in this book, we find something quite interesting. “Armageddon” in Hebrew means “Mount Megiddo”, however, Megiddo was a plain, not a mountain. The great tragedy in this final judgment is that people cursed God instead of repenting. I suppose there comes a time when there is no repentance at all to be found in the lost, no matter how severe the judgment becomes. Sad, but true.

December 13

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 713 (12/13) – Nehemiah 12:27-13:3; Revelation 15:1-8

You might want to recall our Psalm of yesterday as we read today that “As soon as the people heard the law, they separated from Israel all those of foreign descent.” What a contrast to the New Jerusalem in which there are people from all nations, tribes, people and languages. In Revelation today, what do you think of the fact that those who “conquered the beast and the image and the number of its name” were singing a song that was described as both the song of Moses and the song of the Lamb? What do you think about the statement that “no one could enter the sanctuary” until the coming plagues had been finished? Good discussions to have as we read His Word today.

December 12

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 712 (12/12) – 1 Chronicles 9:1-34; Psalms 93:1-5; Revelation 14:1-20

The Psalm sets the tone for our reading in Revelation. The Lord reigns. He is from everlasting. He is mightier than the raging of the sea, whether that is the largest of tsunamis or the symbolism of humanity rising up in rage against the Lord. He is greater than all, from all eternity past to all eternity future. In Revelation we see again the number of 144,000 and the two reapings. It seems logical that the first reaping is of the saints and the second is of the wicked. The description of the judgment on the wicked is sobering.

December 11

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 711 (12/11) – Nehemiah 12:1-26; Psalms 87:1-7; Revelation 13:1-18

Today’s Psalm is stunning. It sings of Zion, but shockingly includes people from Israel’s enemies like Babylon, Philistia, Tyre, Cush and Rahab (Rahab is a nickname for Egypt) as those “who know me” and that these Gentiles were “born” in Zion. I think this points us to the New Jerusalem. Note the Psalmist’s next words: “the Most High himself will establish her” and “The Lord records as he registers the peoples, ‘This one was born there.’” This is part of the “mystery” that Paul refers to that must have certainly been mysterious to those who sang this under the Old Covenant. In Revelation, we finally come to the infamous “666”. The call to “calculate the number”, for those with understanding, pretty strongly references what is called “gematria” where the numerical values of letters were used to calculate a number for a name. We don’t have that today, but at the time of John’s writing, it was common. One might have then calculated “Nero Caesar” in Hebrew. It adds up to 666. There have been a lot of ways to interpret the symbols in Revelation and many have led to false prophecies in the past, so be careful.

December 10

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 710 (12/10) – Nehemiah 11:1-36; Revelation 12:1-13:10

The loss of the twelve tribes of Israel is evident as the returned people are settled around the land, not in tribal allocations, but around cities. In Revelation, we come to more iconic symbols: the woman, the dragon, the beast, 3 and ½ months, etc. With them are numerous interpretations. I think they provide images for other purposes as well. For example, Marxism is deeply rooted in satanism and hatred for God and His people, the family and so forth. It was thought to be dead (fatal wound) but is alive and is a penetrating worldview throughout Western Culture. It may be best, however, to read our final verse today: “Here is a call for the endurance and faith of the saints” and then read the Revelation section for today in that light. Have a discussion about how much this passage provides that call for “endurance and faith” for the entirety of the history of the saints on earth.​

December 9

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 709 (12/9) – Proverbs 19:1-29

Again, I would encourage you to read through this proverb today together and then ask what struck each of you and then have a rich discussion. I was struck by many things, especially how wisdom is so lacking in our culture today. When I read “Strike a scoffer, and the simple will learn prudence” I thought how far we have wandered from the wisdom of discipline and punishment. God disciplines us for our good because He loves us. Malevolent compassion has beguiled us into acting counter to wisdom.​

December 8

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 708 (12/8) – Nehemiah 10:1-39

Today we read of the recommitment that the people are making to God to walk in obedience to the Old Testament law which they were still under. It struck me how wonderful it would be if the Body of Christ were to somehow make such a unified recommitment and rededication. To what would we recommit ourselves? I was thinking it might be something like “the Law of Christ”, as Paul refers to, which in my mind is love God, love your neighbor, and love one another. Do you think something like this could ever happen? If so, how? Maybe that is something we could continually recommit ourselves to in smaller corporate circles.​

December 7

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 707 (12/7) – Psalms 46:1-11, 115:1-18; Revelation 11:1-19

The Psalms today should be refreshing to us. Though everything may be crumbling around us, He is our refuge and our strength. “Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations.” What an awesome promise. We come now to the “two witnesses” in Revelation. My, how much differing speculation has been written about them! Note also  the strange symbolic naming of the physical city where Jesus was crucified: “Sodom and Egypt”. Yet, it is important to read with clarity what is said in worship by the twenty-four elders in verses 17-18. Evil will be conquered and God will reign. Those in Christ have nothing to fear.​

December 6

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 706 (12/6) – Nehemiah 9:1-38; Revelation 10:1-11

We have today one of the great examples of corporate repentance. They acknowledge the sins of the past and the consequences of those sins that they were facing in the present. In our individualistic culture, it is good to remind ourselves of the need for corporate repentance. Join us Tuesdays, noon, eastern. Revelation 10 is another interlude in which John is prepared for his prophetic role (as we earlier read of Ezekiel eating a scroll - Ezekiel 3). The great clue in verse 7 points us to the “mystery” being fulfilled that we read of in Ephesians 2.​

December 5

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 705 (12/5) – Nehemiah 7:66-8:18; 1 Corinthians 14:26-40

This is a great scene as the people had returned to Jerusalem and for the first time gathered together to hear the Word of God. They honored it. May we do the same. I have been struck for some time by Paul’s description of what the gathering together of the saints should look like: “…each one has a hymn, a lesson, a revelation…two or three prophets speak and let the others weigh what is said…For you can all prophecy one by one, so that all may learn and all be encouraged...” You may want to discuss the difference between this and today. What are your thoughts on that?​

December 4

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 704 (12/4) – Nehemiah 7:30-65; 1 Corinthians 14:1-25

There are, of course, many different interpretations of 1 Corinthians 14. I think the important thing to focus on is Paul’s statement first regarding the primacy of “prophesy” which he elaborates on in verse 6 as “revelation or knowledge or prophecy or teaching” and in verse 19 Paul says he would rather speak five words that are understood so as to “instruct others”. Remember we are in this transitional period when the Word of God is being written and distributed around the world. Nevertheless, I offer this: verse 22 says that “tongues are a sign for unbelievers” and refers to the passage in Isaiah 28:11: “For by people of strange lips and with a foreign tongue the Lord will speak to this people.” Remember, also, that this is in the context of Paul teaching that love is higher than all of this.​

December 3

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 703 (12/3) – Nehemiah 6:15-7:29; 1 Corinthians 13:1-13

We should not be surprised when God blesses His people, as here with the rebuilding of the wall in such an incredibly short time, that the world will not rejoice with us. The beautiful expression of the grandeur of love in 1 Corinthians 13 has no equal in the Scripture. You may want to take the time to discuss all of the attributes and descriptions of love that are given to us here. I believe that love is the crown jewel in the character of God. God is love. It would be well worth meditating upon that truth today.

December 2

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 702 (12/2) – Nehemiah 5:1-6:14

I was struck by several things today. First, the evil oppression that taxes can become. Much of the world today is reeling under heavy, heavy national debts yet continue high taxation. The end of the cannot be good. Second, the craftiness and cunning of the enemy through the spreading lies, written and spoken, and the bluff that you must stop works of righteousness or you will come to ruin. All lies and all the same from the beginning until now.

December 1

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 701 (12/1) – Proverbs 14:1-21

It would be good to read through this proverb and then ask each other “what struck you?” There is much worth pondering. The last two verses struck me. We are enjoined even here in the Proverbs with our responsibility to our neighbors. Don’t miss the fact that Jesus talked of those who were rich in goods being poor. Just because your neighbor appears well off doesn’t truly convey the wealth of their spiritual state. Be generous to them with the fruit of the Spirit.

November 30

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 700 (11/30) – Nehemiah 4:1-23; Psalms 129:1-8; 1 Corinthians 12:12-31

As many have commented from our Nehemiah reading, there will always be those who will mock and even threaten those who seek to do works of righteousness. Certainly this is true in our day, for to stand for righteousness will reap a host of scorn and contempt, from social media to late night talk shows. Paul continues to emphasize the diversity and unity of the Body of Christ–the mystery, as we have previously read, concerning the “one body” of Jews and Greeks, with one Spirit giving each gifts for the good of the whole.

November 29

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 699 (11/29) – Nehemiah 3:1-32; 1 Corinthians 12:1-11

I had to smile as I read of all the different people joining together to rebuild Jerusalem. There is something thrilling about the single-mindedness and common goal. I remember the thrill the first time I watched the varied Navy personnel, in their different colored jersey’s, working together perfectly, like a great choreography, to launch F-18 Hornets, one right after another. This is how the Body of Christ should look–all so very different, but united in a common goal. [Here is a great picture] that you may want to reference as you read through all the different parts of the rebuilding process in Nehemiah.

November 28

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 698 (11/28) – Psalms 135:1-21; Revelation 9:13-21

A vast army of 200 million is released from the Euphrates. If one continues to understand Revelation as symbolic, many see this as an army of demons. Others interpret it literally. Regardless, this doesn’t come close to the size of the multitude that worship the lamb (7:9) which were “a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages”. At the time of this judgment, people were worshipping idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood, which our reading in Psalms “have mouths, but do not speak…eyes but do not see…ear but do not hear”. Notice the sad commentary that through all of this they did not repent.

November 27

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 697 (11/27) – Nehemiah 1:1-2:20; Revelation 9:1-12

I was struck again by God’s great sovereignty. He placed Nehemiah in the trusted position of cupbearer to Artaxerxes, and then because of Nehemiah’s humility and lament before the Lord, God gave him favor with the king. The symbolism here in Revelation 9 has numerous interpretations. Abaddon and Apollyon are names that mean “destruction” and “one who destroys”. Many interpret this as a reference to Satan. Note, however, in all of this that the judgment comes to all but those who have the seal of God. If you are in Christ, you are sealed by Him. It would be good to spend time today thanking the Lord for this blessing and refuge.

November 26

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 696 (11/26) – Ezra 10:1-44; Revelation 8:1-13

We end Ezra in a way that lends hope. The words for marriage and divorce here are not the normal ones, leading some to conclude that these were not formal marriages. The examination of each case is comforting in that there may have been instances where there were converted women and children. The hope is that we again see God honoring the repentance of a people. The seven trumpets is now the third “seven-fold” judgment in Revelation. There is a lot of parallel here with the judgments on Egypt through Moses.

November 25

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 695 (11/25) – Ezra 8:15-9:15

When Ezra hears how the people who had remained in Israel had mixed in with the pagan people, he was struck with deep lament: “O my God, I am ashamed and blush to lift my face to you…” Of course, we are reading of their rebellion against the Old Covenant, but I wondered if we are struck by the reality of the sin in our land. Are we filled with lament before the Lord or do we just consider it normal and press on? Do you think there is application to our culture or should this just apply to sin in the body of Christ and being off track with His design? What do you think? I pray you have a great discussion on this today.

November 24

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 694 (11/24) – Ezra 7:11-8:14

I was struck by Ezra’s acknowledgment that it was the Lord who put favor for Israel in the heart of the king. At the same time, it is clear that Ezra was highly favored by the king. This, no doubt, came from Ezra’s faithfulness to the Lord’s command as to how one lives in a pagan land, to walk in such a way before the king that you do find favor in his eyes, including praying for him, which we as believers are enjoined to do as well. It would be good if we did so.

November 23

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 693 (11/23) – Ezra 4:6-23, 7:1-10; Revelation 7:1-17

Ezra brings us further details of the times we were reading about in Esther. Revelation brings us to one of the well-known passages regarding the 144,000. Since the book is highly symbolic, I believe it is more accurate to read it symbolically. Others change to a literal interpretation. Regardless, notice that we don’t have the sons of Jacob here. Dan is missing; Manasseh is added. They are not the tribes that received the inherited promised land: no Dan or Ephraim; Levi and Joseph are added. Judah (tribe of the Messiah) is listed first, not Reuben, and the sons of the concubines come before the sons of Rachel and Leah. 12,000 is later featured in the dimensions of the New Jerusalem. The most important, however, is the description of the worshippers “from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages” all wearing the white robes that have been washed in the blood of the Lamb. This is a great encouragement for those who are in Christ today as it was for those who were undergoing deep persecution when John penned it.!

November 22

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 692 (11/22) – Esther 9:20-10:3; Psalms 58:1-11; Revelation 6:1-17

Our passages today bring us to uncomfortable words such as judgment, vengeance and wrath. Those who do not know or understand the holiness of God cannot fathom true judgment. Unrighteousness is natural to them and judgment for their unholy actions seems unfair. Yet the reality is that there will be judgment for the ungodly. There are whisps of it in the course of time, but there will come a final judgment when the full wrath of God will bring full and lasting justice. That will be a most terrible and frightening day for those who are not found in Christ. May God use this knowledge to move us to fulfill His Royal Law to love our neighbors, praying with the utmost diligence for God to grant them repentance, that they will come to a knowledge of the truth, come to their senses, and escape the trap of the devil who has taken them captive to do his will.

November 21

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 691 (11/21) – Esther 9:1-19; Psalms 141:1-10; Revelation 5:1-14

The symbolism of the lamb is beyond amazing. There are so very many Old Testament passages and images represented here. Notice that the lamb’s appearance is “as though it had been slain”. The eternal nature of Christ’s sacrifice is worthy of continual meditation and praise. No one is worthy in all creation to open the scroll. Only Christ is worthy of that. There is a newness here in the “new song” and the rising crescendo. You may want to discuss the glory and deity that is expressed in this symbolic image of Christ, with the horns and eyes and the worship from the heavenly host. My what a scene John was given!

November 20

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 690 (11/20) – Psalms 84:1-12, 148:1-14; Revelation 4:1-11

Psalm 148 is one of my favorite Psalms for I find myself in my prayers often calling the creation to praise Him. With all of the symbolism in Revelation, the clear message is that God is praised by everything and there is exceedingly great splendor that surrounds Him. Did you notice the focus of the Psalm on God being the Creator and the Revelation passage ends with the declaration that He is “worthy to receive glory and honor and power” (4:11) because He is the creator of all things. When a culture turns away from believing that they are “endowed by their Creator” to believing everything came into being by random processes and chance, that culture loses everything. Yet the reality is that “He commanded and they were created” (148:5). Praise Him as Creator today and often.

November 19

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 689 (11/19) – Esther 7:1-8:17; Colossians 4:2-18

As many times as I have read Esther, this is the first time I saw the humiliation and then exaltation of Christ in this story. There are those who will mourn as they look on “Him whom they have pierced”. And there are those, like Haman, who long for the treasures of this world and its beguiling significance, but who will, in the end, lose it all. And, in the end, those who hungered for righteousness will be satisfied. Colossians 4:5-6 are some of my favorite verses. The “letter from Laodicea” has prompted a lot of speculation. I think the best explanation is that this was actually the letter to the Ephesians that had made it to Laodicea and was on its way to Colossae.

November 18

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 688 (11/18) – Esther 5:1-6:14

We do not know, for the text does not make it clear, but Esther surely appears to be led by the Spirit of God as she does not answer the king but instead prepares two succeeding banquets. That timing allows the divine interventions of insomnia, the precise historical records that recorded Mordecai’s actions, the arrogance and hatred within Haman to have his own gallows built, and the king and Haman’s interaction that led to Mordecai’s exaltation and Haman’s humiliation. What a clear spectacle of the Providence of God as He orchestrates the affairs of man to fulfill His purposes.

November 17

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 687 (11/17) – Esther 3:1-4:17

Remember, King Agag was defeated by Saul and put to death by Samuel. It is possible, Haman’s hatred for the Jews goes all the way back to that. The decree to destroy the Jews in “the whole kingdom of Ahasuerus” included Jerusalem and Judah. The confusing text about the 10,000 talents and Ahasuerus telling him the “money is given to you” is Haman’s way of saying he is going to pay for this holocaust. Haman must have gotten quite rich in his position. Although God is not mentioned, He is assuredly the One to whom their sackcloth, ashes and fasting are directed. The fact that Esther had not been called into the presence of the king for thirty days bode more ill for her to break the law and come before the king on her own. The king’s delight in her may have been waning. It is easy to read these things when we aren’t the one at risk, but Eshter’s “If I perish, I perish” is rightly immortalized.

November 16

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 686 (11/16) – Esther 1:10-2:23; Colossians 3:18-4:1

The plot in Esther continues. What a contrast we have between the way husbands and wives, and women in general, were treated before the Gospel. The blueprints for family and labor are given here in Colossians. The submission of the wife to her husband (as is fitting in the Lord) should be one that is a blessing for it is done under the agape love of the husband, who is willing to give his life for her. The husband is to love his wife with a steadfast, sacrificial zeal that seeks her true good, her shalom.

November 15

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 685 (11/15) – Esther 1:1-9; Psalms 120:1-7, 33:1-22; Colossians 3:1-17

The Psalms today are a wonderful background to the book of Esther. It is an incredible story. Take some time as you read through Colossians today and discuss the list of things that are enjoined to us as having put on the mind of Christ, saying no to the earthly things and yes to the things above.

November 14

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 684 (11/14) – Zechariah 14:1-21; Ezra 6:14-22; Colossians 2:6-23

Zechariah 14 brings to us one of the most perplexing, difficult to resolve content, I believe, in all of the Bible. Do not be dismayed if it doesn’t all make sense. Fix your heart and mind upon what does. Let the clarity of Colossians 2 regarding who Christ is and who you are in Christ. For it is Christ who is the head of all rule and authority. “He disarmed the rulers and authorities… triumphing over them”. Do not get pulled back into the “shadows” (vs 16-23) for the “substance belongs to Christ". It would be a great exercise for your family to sit down and list all of the things that are true of Christ and you from this passage.

November 13

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 683 (11/13) – Zechariah 12:1-13:9; Colossians 1:21-2:5

You can read a lot of people who have their interpretations of all of this, when it happens and so forth. Don’t lose sight of the fact that we have in John 19:33-37 the Scripture itself referring to 12:10 here as being fulfilled. What a ministry God had given Paul. He certainly fulfilled it: “ make the word of God fully known” and to make known the knowledge of God’s mystery,  “which is Christ in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” Paul declares this “in order that no one may delude” us with plausible arguments.

November 12

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 682 (11/12) – Zechariah 9:9-11:17; Colossians 1:1-20

Today, we begin the second half of Zechariah and its very difficult oracles. There are many, many interpretations. If you can see Christ here, I believe that would be beneficial to you and to rest in the hope those pictures bring: for He shall rule “from sea to sea”. I was struck by the clarity that comes to much of these things when we look at the New Covenant and the reality that is now in Christ. Our passage in Colossians highlights this new kingdom that God is building. The verses beginning with v.15 should be put in a hymn or song. The overview of Colossians is worth viewing.

November 11

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 681 (11/11) – Zechariah 8:1-9:8

Daily Comment Forthcoming. Please check back at a later time.

November 10

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 680 (11/10) – Ezra 5:3-6:13

At this time, Judah lay within the Persian province called “Beyond the River”. Tattenai was governor in Samaria. This answers the question as to why this guy is even asking all these questions and sending the letter to Darius. It is quite amazing to see the ethics and character of the Medes and Persian kings. Darius fully supported the earlier decree of Cyrus and provided provisions for the rebuilding.

November 9

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 679 (11/9) – Zechariah 6:1-7:14; Revelation 3:14-22

Today are the famous chariots pulled by mighty horses of red, black, white and dappled. The Hebrew word for “wind” and “spirit” is the same. They represent the mighty arm of God, possibly through angelic means, that cover the entire earth. The reference to the “Branch” as the crown is given to Joshua is most likely symbolic of the Messiah and refers back to Jeremiah’s 33:15 prophecy. I was struck by the Lord’s response to those who were fasting. You may want to discuss how it is possible to carry out religious activities that are basically all about you and therefore of no value. The letter to Laodicea is quite convicting, for it is easier to be lukewarm than cold or hot. That way you can float in this word, no one will ever attack you. But floating in this fallen world will always take you along in its downward current. If you are in Christ, we must daily swim against that current.

November 8

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 678 (11/8) – Zechariah 4:1-5:11; Revelation 3:1-13

There are eight visions in Zechariah. The woman in a basket has been troubling to some for several reasons. One that God uses a woman to represent “wickedness”. It isn’t that God thinks women are wicked, for He made her the Virtuous Woman in the garden. But often, sexual wickedness uses the imagery of a harlot, which is most likely the picture portrayed here. I was going to be released upon Babylon. Again, important for our culture in that we have lost all sense of sexual depravity. Isn’t it refreshing to get to a church (Philadelphia) in which the Lord has nothing to rebuke them for? They have been faithful though they have little and have endured patiently.

November 7

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 677 (11/7) – Zechariah 2:1-3:10; Revelation 2:12-29

Again, we are presented with pictures of the future Jerusalem that will be so big that it will have no walls, just the protection of the “wall of fire” from God. The “filthy” garments are soiled with excrement, which would make the high priest unclean. Yet God rebuked the accusations of Satan and clothed him with righteous garments. I was struck by this: “I will remove the iniquity of this land in a single day. That refers to the work of Christ. Did you notice the prominence of “sexual impurity” in both of the letters in Revelation? We sometimes forget the holiness of the Lord and begin to affirm that which is an abomination before Him.

November 6

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 676 (11/6) – Haggai 2:10-23; Zechariah 1:7-21; Ezra 5:2; Revelation 2:1-11

Comment forthcoming.

November 5

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 675 (11/5) – Haggai 1:12-2:9; Psalms 65:1-13; Zechariah 1:1-6; Revelation 1:1-20

Today we begin our readings in Revelation and Zechariah. The video overview of Revelation is very good. Although I may disagree with the date of its writing, I believe they have done an excellent job of providing an extremely helpful overview of a book that is filled with symbolism drawn from the rest of Scripture. Unfortunately, many do not take the time to make those correlations, and fall into error. My opinion. I was struck by the Lord’s declaration (Haggai 2:9) that the “latter glory of this house shall be greater than the former…” Put this in the context of the overview of Revelation. Notice also the time clues in Revelation 1:1,3, “ show to his servants the things that must soon take place” and “...the time is near.” The book is meant to be a “blessing” (vs 3) not a fearful puzzle.

November 4

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 674 (11/4) – Daniel 10:1-21; Ezra 4:24-5:1; Haggai 1:1-11

What a fascinating peek into the spiritual realm! There is (most likely) a fallen angel who is trying to keep Persia from falling to Greece (which had been prophesied) and he somehow can delay the angel sent to tell these things to Daniel. The archangel (called a “chief prince”) Michael comes to help in this battle and it appears (vers 21) that Michael is the angel assigned to Israel. Greece will rise in power, but there is a fallen angel that will fight for them against this angel that was sent to Daniel. Fascinating, is it not? Persia is the modern Iran. You may want to discuss this: do you think there is a fallen angel that fights today for Iran? This thought from our reading in Haggai: under the New Covenant, if you are in Christ, you are the temple of God. His presence dwells within you. If we neglect that temple and spend all our time on our own pleasures, your life will not be fruitful.

November 3

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 673 (11/3) – Ezra 3:1-4:5; 1 Chronicles 3:19-24

A quick glance will cause some to wonder why Zerubbabel refused the help of the “people of the land” for surely they could have used help and wouldn’t it help in the relationship between the returned exiles and those who live there? Yet the Scripture makes it clear that they were “adversaries” (4:1) which soon became evident as they then tried to bring fear upon those who were building and bribed counselors against them. Here is one of those moments where the people of God are called upon to take the less traveled road, to do the harder thing for the right thing. To have given in most likely would have brought into the building process the idolatry that had remained in the land. It is interesting that their appeal, however, was to the specifics of the command of Cyrus that it was to be rebuilt by the exiles.

November 2

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 672 (11/2) – Ezra 2:1-70; Acts 28:17-31

Another indication how far the Gospel had already spread was the statement by the Jews in Rome, who knew nothing of Paul’s situation (it is possible to read it such that they didn’t even know who Paul was) yet they stated: “...with regard to this sect (the Way) we know that everywhere it is spoken against.” Paul’s rebuke to the Jews is stunning, yet it reminds us that whoever is caught up thinking that salvation comes through DNA or any work, rather than Christ alone, will be hard to convince otherwise. God must first grant them repentance (2 Timothy 2:24-26). Don’t skip through the passage in Ezra. We want to have read every word of God’s Word. I recommend reading it aloud.

November 1

Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment

Day 671 (11/1) – Psalms 126:1-6; 1 Chronicles 3:17-18; Proverbs 18:1-24; Acts 28:1-16

Paul finally arrives in Rome. [Here] is a map of his amazing journey. This struck me in today's reading: “A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his own heart” (my, how that describes us today); “The one who states his case first seems right, until the other comes and examines him” (we seldom hear both sides anymore); and the fact that there were already believers in Puteoli! It provides a stark reality to Paul’s statement to the Colossian believers: “In the same way, the gospel is bearing fruit and growing throughout the whole world… “ (Col 1:6). We don’t know how these believers came to Christ, but it is possible they had read his letter. Paul had penned the letter to the Romans (~57 A.D.) while in Corinth (Romans) only three years earlier. The body of Christ was advancing, primarily through neighbor to neighbor interactions and house churches, but it was spreading rapidly.

Monthly List of BibleStudyTogether Readings

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October 2023

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August 2023

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May 2023

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April 2023

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March 2023

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February 2023

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January 2023

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