April 30
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 486 (4/30) – 2 Kings 15:30-31, 17:1-2, 18:1-8; Hosea 1:1-2:1; Philemon 1:1-7
Our reading today should be paired with Romans 9:22-33, where Paul quotes the passage in Hosea, calling Israel “Not My People”. We begin to see the clear pathway of the seedline of the Messiah now. It will not come through Israel, but through Judah, “Yet the number of the children of Israel will be like the sand of the sea, which cannot be numbered.” Oh, the incredible grace of God that has been extended to us through the righteousness of Christ that we should now be called the sons of God, His children. By the way, isn’t it refreshing to read that there is a ruler who “did what was right in the eyes of the Lord” and “trusted in the Lord?” Oh, that leaders today would rule in this manner!
April 29
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 485 (4/29) – 2 Kings 16:10-20; Isaiah 17:1-14; 2 Chronicles 28:16-27
Our passages today raise some important issues for us. Ahaz began to look at the world around him and saw its power and began to worship its gods. Our times are filled with all kinds of idols, including the making of man into a god himself. Our culture is increasingly attempting to sway us to follow along with them. A key phrase here: “but it did not help him”. Do not be deceived by the ways of the world. Remain steadfast.
April 28
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 484 (4/28) – Isaiah 10:20-12:6
As we see in many places in the prophets, here is a mixture of the shadow and the reality in Christ. There are promises of a remnant returning out from under the yoke of Assyria and there is the tremendous picture of the world being transformed by the power of Jesus, the Messiah, the “shoot from the stump of Jesse”. What a great description of the Lord here as well as the majesty of His Kingdom on earth. This is hard to read today without a smile on your face!
April 27
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 483 (4/27) – Psalms 55:1-23; Isaiah 10:5-19; 1 Peter 5:1-14
Psalm 55 is a relevant hymn for us today as it prays for Gods help against the “noise of the enemy”, the “oppression of the wicked”, the “violence and strife in the city”, the “fraud in the marketplace” and those who “do not change and do not fear God.” Isaiah speaks of the judgment that will come against the “godless nation”. Peter exhorts us, in the midst of suffering in this world, to humble ourselves under God’s mighty hand, for after a little while, His hand will restore, confirm, strengthen and establish those who are in Christ. Take comfort in these words.
April 26
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 482 (4/26) – Proverbs 11:8-31; 1 Peter 4:1-19
The Proverb repeats over and over what the Scripture clearly teaches: there is a blessing for pursuing righteousness; a curse for pursuing evil: cities are overthrown by the mouth of the wicked; they rejoice because of the upright. Peter says that we should not be surprised at the suffering that comes to the righteous. If you are maligned because you do not join in debauchery and evil, remember that you are blessed by God. Entrust your soul “to a faithful Creator while doing good.”
April 25
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 481 (4/25) – Isaiah 9:1-10:4; 1 Peter 3:13-22
Another day to say “what struck you?” for there is so much here. I was struck by “Galilee of the nations”, “Of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end”, “who is there to harm you if you are zealous for what is good?”, “make a defense to anyone who asks you” and “it is better to suffer for doing good…than for doing evil.” May the Lord bless your reading today!
April 24
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 480 (4/24) Proverbs 31:1-31; 1 Peter 3:1-12
What an extraordinary passage we have in Proverbs 31. This is the Virtuous Female as we refer to her in the Understanding Our Times and the Biblical Path Forward conferences: the Loss of the Noble Male and Virtuous Female. This loss brings great pathology to our entire culture. Notice her desire to nurture and comfort, but that is all bridled by her drive for truth and wisdom and righteousness. We read in Peter the keys to a righteous marriage that would unfortunately be excoriated today. But the Lord's ears are open to the prayers of the righteous; His face against those who do evil.
April 23
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 479 (4/23) – Isaiah 7:10-8:22; 1 Peter 2:4-25
There is more for us today than anyone can summarize! Best for you and your family to read and then ask “What struck you?” and let the Holy Spirit guide you. Several come to my mind: the prophecy concerning a “virgin birth” and naming him “Immanuel”. For further reading on these: [here] and [here] and [Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz]. Also, note the caution about being caught up in conspiracy theories and the picture that those who are in Christ are “priests”, whose priestly duty includes bringing sacrifice (our prayers) before the Lord for others (our neighbors). The video is worth watching. Isaiah is an amazing book.
April 22
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 478 (4/22) – 2 Chronicles 28:1-15; 2 Kings 16:1-9; Isaiah 7:1-9
We are told that Ahaz sacrificed his sons, “burned them as an offering”. In other words, he killed his sons because he thought that would make things go well for him. It was an “abomination” in the sight of the Lord and “despicable”. Can anyone imagine, when we do the same today, that it is not still an abomination in the sight of the Lord? Despite all of this, however, we see the Lord act to preserve Judah and the seedline of the Messiah.
April 21
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 477 (4/21) – 2 Kings 15:32-58; Micah 1:1-16; 2 Chronicles 27:1-9
Uzziah’s son, Jotham, is a good king. We don’t read this very often. However, the people still sinned before the Lord at the high places. Three prophets are active during the reign of Jotham (750-735BC): Isaiah, Hosea and Micah. We begin Micah’s prophecies today. Notice the many ties to other nations. These sins and their consequences, whether of an individual or a nation, are never isolated from those nearby.
April 20
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 476 (4/20) – 2 Kings 15:23-29, 15:6-7; 2 Chronicles 26:11-23; Isaiah 6:1-13; 1 Peter 1:13-2:3
I have probably referenced these passages on Uzziah more than any other Old Testament passage. (Note: Azariah and Uzziah are the same person) Here are two articles [here] and [here]. One key element is the verse: “But when he was strong, he grew proud, to his destruction.” How very sad, for Uzziah began as a good king. Pride will always lead to destruction. The second key element is that he thought his power as the king gave him the right to breach another divine sovereign sphere. He entered the temple and picked up the role of a priest and God severely punished him for that. This false notion of the “divine right of kings” is the philosophy behind the growing power and reach of the state in today’s world. It isn’t new and neither is the destruction that will surely follow.
April 19
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 475 (4/19) – Amos 9:1-15; 2 Kings 14:29, 15:8-22; 1 Peter 1:1-12
Amos ends with a most terrifying prophecy for those who would not repent and turn to the Lord. There is no place to hide from His judgment - from Sheol to the bottom of the sea, the hand of the Lord will find you. Even with this prophecy, the evil kings continue on their evil path. Yet, God leaves them with the promise of the Grace that will come. Peter speaks of this Grace: “...the prophets who prophesied about the grace that was to be yours…” and the trials of a faithful walk are more precious than gold.
April 18
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 474 (4/18) – Amos 7:7-8:14; Luke 22:47-53; John 18:3-11
In an interview yesterday, I was asked if I believed America was too far gone. Today we read that the Lord declares that Israel was too far gone. Note the rejection of Amos and the true prophecies he was giving concerning the consequences of Israel’s sin. Nothing changes and those who speak truth today, unfortunately, will be rejected. One of the saddest passages is 8:11-12: the removal of God’s Word from the land. The picture is of people running to and fro, desperately lost, because Truth is now gone. Note also, the declaration of Jesus to those who would arrest Him: “I am” and they fell to the ground. Eventually, every knee will bow to Him.
April 17
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 473 (4/17) – Amos 5:18-7:6; Matthew 26:47-56
We have today a disturbing passage that brings forth a disturbing thought. Is it possible that a people can attend worship services and sing songs and give offerings, and be zealous to do all of this… and yet be onerous before the Lord? Israel was doing all of this and yet the Lord was highly displeased with them. They were enjoying the wealth of the land while it lay in spiritual ruin before the Lord. This strikes me so very deeply today. Notice the statement of Jesus that He could have called upon twelve legions of angels to rescue Him. Can you imagine that? A Roman Legion at that time had 6,000 soldiers. Jesus could have simply cried out and 72,000 mighty angels would have descended to put an end to the injustice and horror that He was about to undergo. But He did not. And by that sacrifice He rescued us.
April 16
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 472 (4/16) – Amos 4:1-5:17; Luke 22:39-46; Mark 14:43-52
We have a sobering passage today. Count the number of times God sends judgment, but “yet you did not return to me, declares the Lord.” This was a culture, not unlike our own, who “abhor him who speaks the truth”. It would be a good discussion to ponder the statement: “Therefore he who is prudent will keep silent in such a time, for it is an evil time."
April 15
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 471 (4/15) – Amos 2:4-3:15
The prophecy of Amos now turns inward. One can almost sense the self-righteousness of a reader giving fist bumps as the prophet rails against all of the nations around them. But then, Amos turns and addresses them, Judah and Israel, and the prophecies against their sins are much worse. It is hard for me not to see the state of our own culture here. God certainly has blessed us so very, very deeply. Yet, despite His grace and goodness to us, we have descended into vile and abominable things. I was struck by the verse: “But you made the Nazarites drink wine, and commanded the prophets, saying ‘You shall not prophesy.’” This is becoming increasingly the case in our culture. Ah, but Amos did speak. May the Remnant in our land today remain faithful.
April 14
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 470 (4/14) – Jonah 4:1-11; Amos 1:1-2:3
I have heard from many the claim that God doesn’t care about nations and therefore we shouldn’t either. This is a growing claim today in our country. But look at the heart of God today. He declares that He has concern for Nineveh and its cattle. In Amos we see that God addresses nation after nation for its sins: from Tyre to Edom to Moab. There are numerous times in which the prophets are told to speak to kings and nations. In Romans 13 we are told that nations are “instituted” by God. He cares about them. We should as well. (Make sure you see the video overview of Amos.).
April 13
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 469 (4/13) – Jonah 1:1-3:10; Matthew 26:36-46
I encourage you to watch the video overview of Jonah, although I think the authors are a little too hard on him. I think Jonah was like many who have deep-seated hatred that is difficult to overcome. Ask the question to yourself: are you okay with God showing mercy to people you don’t like or to those whom you would love to see God punish? The repentance of Nineveh, from the least to the greatest, including the king, is a remarkable testimony to the truth of 2 Timothy 2:25-26, that God is the one who grants repentance. This is worth meditating on. It is the basis for our weekly prayer for repentance for our nation and culture (Tuesdays, noon, eastern). If you want to join us, go [here].
April 12
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 468 (4/12) – 2 Kings 14:17-28, 15:1-5; 2 Chronicles 25:25-26:10; John 18:1-2; Mark 14:32-42
You will note that the son of Amaziah, who became king in his place, is referred to as both Azariah and Uzziah. We are not given a reason for this, but it is not that unusual for people to be called by different names (Esther/Haddasah, Joseph/Zaphenath-Paneah, Daniel/Belteshazzar, Naomi/Mara, Gideon/Jerub-Baal, etc.). Uzziah’s story is a sad one, as we will see; as is Judas. The deep agony of the Lord in the Garden of Gethsemane (oil press) is, I believe, due to the agony of the separation He would undergo while on the cross. Jesus doesn’t exaggerate: he said this sorrow was so deep it was “near death”. He could have called legions of angels to rescue Him, but He did not. It was His love for you and me that drove Him.
April 11
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 467 (4/11) – 2 Kings 13:12-13, 14:15-16; 2 Chronicles 25:1-24; Psalms 67:1-7; John 17:1-26
The “High Priestly Prayer” is one that we should read over and over again, for it is the amazing prayer of Jesus for us. Take time to discuss it in your family today and take note of how many times Jesus speaks of “oneness”--either in the Triune nature of God or in our relationship with Him or in our relationship with each other as the body of Christ. Take note also of Amaziah, who got caught up in worshiping the gods of the world. Our culture is filled with gods, from the material to the “homo deus” and we are being increasingly pressed to worship them. Stay strong! As John ends his letter in 1 John 5:21: “Dear children, keep yourselves from idols.”
April 10
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 466 (4/10) – 2 Kings 14:1-14; 2 Chronicles 24:23-27; Psalms 12:1-8; John 16:16-33
I was struck by the words in the Psalm: “Everyone utters lies to his neighbor; with flattering lips and a double heart they speak…with our tongue we will prevail, our lips are with us; who is master over us?” and “On every side the wicked prowl, as vileness is exalted among the children of man.” Certainly, what we see today in our culture is nothing new. The encouragement of Jesus: “In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world."
April 9
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 465 (4/9) – 2 Kings 13:1-11, 12:17-21, 13:14-25; John 16:5-15
Take some time today to think and meditate upon the truth and reality that Jesus was presenting to His disciples before He left. We have here one of the great insights into God’s plan for us regarding the work of the Holy Spirit (God Himself). Jesus will physically leave, but we will then be indwelt by the Holy Spirit who will then “guide us into all the truth”. I personally can’t think of anything that is more amazing or astounding than this truth: that God dwells within us and He will then work within us to guide us into His Truth. As Jesus told us, He will never leave us or forsake us, and this truth is found in the reality that He dwells within us. That is worth meditating upon for the rest of our lives.
April 8
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 464 (4/8) – 2 Chronicles 24:1-22; 2 Kings 10:34-36
Today, we read something that is worth discussion. Joash did right in the eyes of the Lord, but only while Jehoaida was alive. It appears Jehoaida was a strong influence in the king’s life, from the time he began his reign at seven years old. In the midst of this we are today given the event of Joash wanting to do some restoration on the temple and deciding that it would be done through the old tax that Moses had levied on the people in the wilderness. But what is interesting is that the priests didn’t carry out that order. Joash then devised the “collection box” in the temple and from that they did the restoration. For discussion: was Joash right in restoring the temple? It is not written that he sought the Lord on any of this. It is sad however, that when Jehoaida died, Joash turned away from doing right. Makes you think that his heart was never really right, but only acted that way because of Jehoaida. People do the same. When someone’s eye is on them, they act one way. When it is not, their true character is revealed.
April 7
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 463 (4/7) – 2 Chronicles 23:12-21; 2 Kings 11:17-12:16
We read again of the end of the wicked Queen Athaliah. In her attempt to secure her own power, she killed all of the legitimate royal descendents, but missed a grandson, Joash, who was an infant hidden by her sister in the temple with his nurse for six years. Now that he was seven years old, he was anointed king of Judah by the high priest, Jehoiada. Take note of Jehoiada, for it is his righteous walk that provides the boundaries for Joash. I sense this is a mantle that is laid upon ordained pastors today who should be providing righteous boundaries for those in political leadership.
April 6
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 462 (4/6) – Psalms 35:1-28; John 15:18-16:4
Today we read that Jesus tells us: “I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.” (vs 19) It would be valid to say that if you do things so that the world loves you, or so that the world doesn’t hate you, you are most likely doing something contrary to Jesus. We are increasingly going to be hated by this culture if we walk the way that Jesus walked. This is not new. Brothers and sisters have gone to the stake for a life that followed Jesus. This struck me in the Psalm: “ For they do not speak peace, but against those who are quiet in the land they devise words of deceit.” Even those who are quiet. The movement is toward an increased expectation that you will “affirm” and “celebrate” what the world loves. Even remaining quiet will not spare this hatred. But, the message of Jesus and David is a message of hope in the midst of persecution. We are His and the wicked will not prevail. Do not let the world rob you of this exceedingly radical joy that is only ours in Christ.
April 5
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 461 (4/5) – 2 Kings 11:13-16; 2 Chronicles 23:1-11; Psalms 1:1-6, 92:1-15; John 15:1-17
It is believed that Athaliah was Jezebel’s daughter. This would be consistent with her character. Her ultimate death is a reminder that the wicked will eventually perish. It would be a great exercise for you and your family to go through our reading today and list all of the statements concerning the promised end of the wicked. Discuss also the deep implications of what Jesus said about calling us “friends” and how we are to “abide” in Him for the purpose of bearing fruit.
April 4
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 460 (4/4) – 2 Kings 11:1-12; 2 Chronicles 22:10-12; Psalms 25:1-22; John 14:15-31
The events we are reading about concerning the wicked queen Athaliah, hiding the King’s son from her slaughter of the royal family, him being hidden for six years and the plot to make him king…it reads like a movie script. But it unfortunately reveals the horrid state to which the people of God had descended. Read the Psalm as if it were written to the Remnant today and take note of the phrase “the friendship of the Lord is for those who fear Him” as ponder the wonder of that. Also ponder the wonder of the fact that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit have “made their home” with those who are in Christ. Oh my.
April 3
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 459 (4/3) – 2 Kings 10:1-33; 2 Chronicles 22:8-9; John 14:1-4
The judgment of the Lord is terrifying, whether it comes from Him directly or through the hand of His servant, as we see today through Jehu. The guilty shall not go unpunished. This, however, is the good news: we are totally guilty, but for those who are in Christ, He has taken that guilt and the judgment and punishment due to us. The passage in John is of great encouragement to those who are His. It is also one of the key passages that speak of the oneness within the triune nature of God: “I am in the Father and the Father is in me” and “Whoever has seen me has seen the Father.” As a further note, is there not some sadness for Jehu? He destroyed the house of Baal, but kept the golden calves? This is worth some self-examination.
April 2
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 458 (4/2) – 2 Kings 9:1-37; Matthew 26: 31-35; Luke 22:31-38
It would be a master’s thesis to simply account for all of the prophecies that are fulfilled in today’s passage in Kings. When you finish reading, it might be appropriate to simply say: “The word of the Lord stands forever.” It is also interesting to note that Elijah was given the command to anoint Jehu and yet it was by extension that it was done: he passed the baton to Elisha who then gave the anointing task to one of the sons of the prophets. How appropriate, also, that we read today of the specific prophecy from Jesus that Peter would deny Him three times. I was struck by the words of Jesus: “...this Scripture must be fulfilled in Me…For what is written about Me has its fulfillment.” As many have observed, these are either the words of a madman or the Lord God Almighty.
April 1
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 457 (4/1) – 2 Kings 8:23-29; 2 Chronicles 21:8-22:7
What struck me today was the epitaph for Jehoram, King of Judah: “And he departed with no one’s regret.” This would be a horrible ending to anyone’s life, led in such a way that no one was sorry to see you die. There is something remarkable here as well. Elijah, a prophet to the northern kingdom, had written a letter for Jehoram, of the southern kingdom. Some have made charges that this would have occurred after Elijah had been taken up to heaven and therefore the Scriptures are wrong here. But there are several very plausible answers. The one I favor is that prophets were given the future by God and there is no difference between Elijah speaking these words in prophecy over Jehoram several years before it came about, or writing that prophecy in a letter that was then delivered at the appropriate time to pronounce judgment upon Jehoram.
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