My name is Del Tackett and I am a tour guide. Our tours aren’t of Glacier Bay or the Amazon River, although I would love to do that! They are tours that take us to the most breathless place possible: to gaze upon the face of God and to understand how His nature and character undergird all of reality.
This site is for those who have been “awakened” by their encounters with God and His Truth. It is a place where I hope and pray you will find encouragement and engage one another as you ponder the depths of who He is.
My prayer is that it will bring us together and be a small part of moving the body of Christ toward increased health and strength… and to be the light and salt for which we have been made.
To get started, learn about The Engagement Project, my latest Biblical worldview resource, or check out other resources on the website, including Livestream webinar series, The 7 Threats in our Culture and Neighborly Apologetics, HERE.
Del Tackett and the resources at are made possible through a strategic partnership with Truth Encounter Ministries. To learn more about Dr Tackett and TEM, continue reading, and also visit
Through teaching God's Word in settings around the world, Dr. Tackett brings encouragement to leaders and the Body of Christ around the world.
In-depth training and discipleship resources like the Truth Project and Cross Examine equip believers to develop a comprehensive Biblical worldview foundation for their lives.
We are currently scheduling Engagement Project Training Events around the country. If your church or organization has used the Truth Project in small groups over the past 15 years and are interested in talking with us about hosting a training conference for the new series, the Engagement Project, click the button below. For all other speaking requests, please email [email protected].
I’m asked this question a lot. My blog was hacked into never-never land several years ago and it knocked me off the air. But that has spurred me to get the “care and feeding” website finally developed after 10 years of dreaming about it.
Why are you doing this?
I’m asked this often as well. Since the Lord scrunched my heart in D.C. over 20 years ago, I have had an urgent call to do my part in getting the Body of Christ healthy and vibrant. This site is an attempt to do that: to get her healthy internally (truth and wisdom), externally (engaged with our culture) and unified (the “oneness” of Jesus’ vision for His Body). But even more so, in light of the day that we live in, we want to “gather the remnant” together…for encouragement, for edification, for strength and resolve. I pray you will join our community.
You decided to help form a non-profit organization, when you had previously been working from a for-profit, SDG Ministries. What changed your mind?
Although I am convinced that the laws and Federal Agencies will continue to scrutinize and squeeze the Christian non-profits, we felt that a non-profit at this time would give us the flexibility to raise the needed funds to produce the Engagement. I don’t want to be muzzled, which is why we'll attempt to fund future projects after the Engagement from the proceeds of the Engagement Project. Soli Deo Gloria (SDG Ministries) is my for-profit entity, a standard sole-proprietorship LLC, through which I’ll pay taxes in exchange for freedom of speech.
Truth Encounter Ministries is a non-profit organization dedicated to creating biblical worldview resources which prepare the Body of Christ to be salt and light to our neighbors and the culture. The organization is dedicated to partner with Dr. Del Tackett, including the Engagement Project coming out in June 2020.