This January 2022 is hopeful for the March for Life, nearing 50 years of prayer and marches to the Supreme Court in cold January weather in the Nation's Capital. Hopeful because more and more people are becoming aware of the baby and its story in a pregnancy. And they are  learning what the Psalm means, "fearfully and wonderfully made."  Thanks to the Truth Project Bible Study, I better understand that God created us Imageo Deo. Hearts unlimited for agape love of one another, like His. So I have experience as an R.N. in a Neonatology Unit, where I held preemie twins in the palms of my hands. Yep, it's a baby. And I wish everyone could visit a nursery and see how these tiny folks with souls from the moment of conception  survive and thrive. Anyone who has made the prochoice decision, then felt the wait of sadness over that decision needs to know Jesus who loves His Creation and forgives bad choices and sin. He loves sinners, hates sin. Follow Him.


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