The Blessing of The Truth Project
The Fall of 2006 was the first time I heard about “The Truth Project” (TTP). I had a meeting with Marc Fey regarding the topic of education when he started to tell me about this new project he was involved with, called “TTP”. At the time, I was a Young Adults pastor at a church in Southern California, in which I dealt with many college students that were struggling with having a Biblical Christian worldview in a very secular and anti-Christian environment. As Marc explained the various “tours” and topics that were being covered, I knew I wanted to be a part of this unique and informative resource to help others understand how God is involved in every area of our lives.
Marc and I began to correspond over the next seven months as TTP team was getting ready to launch their Southern California conference in late Spring, 2007. After the Southern California conference, my wife and I started several groups throughout the church we attended, including the Young Adults group that met in one of our leader’s home. New groups started to replicate like wildfire, and I was blessed to be used by the Lord to start more groups at other churches as well. Overall, my wife and I have led over 24 TPs and have participated in many conferences in several states. We recently moved to Texas two years ago and have already led two more groups since we’ve been here.
The impact TTP has had on my life is tremendous. From my college days thirty years ago, to serving as a Marriage and Family pastor, having a Biblical Christian worldview is one thing, knowing how to apply it in everyday situations is another. While there is “nothing new under the sun”, Del Tackett has taken what the Lord has put on his heart and presented it in such a way where all participants are challenged to live out their Christian faith in every area of life. We are not to compartmentalize God only to the “religion” sphere of our lives. Rather, God wants to be involved in every aspect of our lives, whether that be our choices of entertainment, where we work, our families, how we view history, government, ethics, and so on.
The Truth Project has ignited a passion within me to help other believers to understand the importance of having a Biblical Christian worldview, and to discover what God has to say in His Word about the world in which we live in. Once this is understood, it is through relationships that I seek to help others discover their God-given gifts and talents, match them up with what they are passionate about, and then encourage them to put those gifts into service by getting involved in their communities. The Lord wants us to be involved in the lives around us, willing to be vulnerable by being authentic and transparent as we use our gifts and resources to serve others. TTP has been the catalyst that the Lord has used to motivate me into action, and to seek and apply His truth in every area of my life.