I'll be retiring a little earlier from my job than I had planned, so that I can care for our new (and only) granddaughter. It's caused me to reflect more upon the choices I made when our one (and only) son was born (32 years ago). I ended up making choices that resulted in a compromised career both inside and outside our home. When our son & daughter in-law approached me and asked me if I would take care of their baby girl when she gets off maternity leave and has to return to work because that they didn't trust daycare and would rather pay me than a daycare, I told them, "I have a job...we have bills to pay (health insurance @ our age is astronomical) besides, you may discover you want to stay home with your daughter and not go back to work. " Ironically, my daughter in-law is a Chemist (like my husband). Later, as I was praying & listening to the Lord, and reflecting upon my ministry efforts, my job, my life, and the choices I made at their age, God helped me realize my son, daughter in-law, and granddaughter are my ministry; that time is really all we have in this life, and they have not been "Born Again," so why wouldn't I quit my job and take care of my precious granddaughter while I still have time. What a world this precious baby is born to and what a challenge lie's ahead! If anyone out there has any words of wisdom as I embark on this new season of life, please do tell!


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