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It’s Not About Gun Law, Stupid, It’s About Moral Law

It’s hard to stop looking at the photo: a dad and his daughter. She was gunned down while in school in Nashville this week. Nine years old. A horrible tragedy that I can’t get out of my mind. Not only because of what the parents are going through, but the stupidity of our culture. I know that it is bad form today to use the word stupid. The Bible doesn’t shy from this: ...

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The Coming Disaster: When Trans Meets Reality

There are hearings going on today in the U.S. Congress where two sides are in a heated clash. On one side is the position that human sexuality is determined by one’s genetic make-up; the other is adamant that it is determined by personal whim. We are rapidly heading to a cultural war, because obviously these two can’t exist side-by-side. If a genetic male who identifies as a woman w...

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Socialism (3): Marx Comes to America

Marx died in 1883, but as Breese wrote (Seven Men Who Rule the World from the Grave), Marx ruled on. Pandora’s Box was open and a demonic package was unleashed upon the world. It rested upon naturalism and evolution, a dialectic view of history and a scathing atheism. In Marx’s doctoral dissertation, he emphasized his “hatred of all the gods”. But the deeper evil Marx so...

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If Jesus Rose from the Dead, then (#1) the Seal Was Broken

We don’t spend much time talking about the seal that was placed upon the tomb, but I think it is significant. Here is the historical record: The next day, that is, after the day of Preparation, the chief priests and the Pharisees gathered before Pilate and said, “Sir, we remember how that impostor said, while he was still alive, ‘After three days I will rise.’ Th...

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[preface] “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12 When God was announcing the birth of Jesus, the advent of Christ, the coming of the long-awaited Messiah promised all the way back in the Garden of Eden, He used these words: The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; ...

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Kruptikos: When a New Culture Arose and the Definition of Words Changed

“It’s a hammer of justice, it’s a bell of freedom, it’s a song about the love between a brother and a sister, all over this land.” Peter, Paul and Mary It is easy to look at the 60’s as a major turning point in America. It would also be easy to go too far in consigning everything there, for in actuality the forces of change go back to Rousseau and beyond...

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Journey Through the Bible

Today starts a new year and it also starts our plan to read through the Bible together over a 2-year period. We have teamed up with Bible Study Together to travel through the Scripture not only chronologically, but also in an integrated journey, so that when we are reading about Abraham offering Isaac, we will that same day read about how Jesus fulfills this type in the book of Hebrews. Each...

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[preface] And one of the elders said to me, “Weep no more; behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has conquered, so that he can open the scroll and its seven seals.” Revelation 5:5 It would be appropriate for some to argue that including this in our list is suspect because there is only one verse in the Scripture that names Jesus as Lion. But if one ver...

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“Millions of White Voters Are Once Again Showing Who They Are”

I thought this CNN article would be a good way to illustrate how the Woke (Marxist/Socialist) worldview creates its own ethical foundation. Remember, Marxism believes that anything that promotes the movement toward Socialism/Communism is moral; anything that hinders it is immoral. If you look at this headline and read the article, you will find that it is blatantly racist. Here is a quote: ...

7 Threats in Our Times: (#1) The Rise of the Scoffer and the Depraved Mind

[previous] There are two progressions in Scripture that appear to be manifested in our culture and in our times. These are not onward and upward progressions, but more of a downward spiral. One of those progressions comes primarily from Proverbs where we are introduced to three kinds of people: the simple, the fool, and the scoffer. They are continually contrasted with the wise. We meet a...

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