Dec 31
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 365 (12/31) – Proverbs 5:1-23, 6:20-35
The Proverbs provide great wisdom for us, especially in our day. Don’t stop short here. The Scriptures also equate the adultress with a false worldview. Our culture has immersed itself in following the harlot of “malevolent compassion” and “her steps follow the path to Sheol” as well. For those of you you have made it through this first year of reading through the Bible, congratulations! I am enjoying our walk together!
Dec 30
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 364 (12/30) – 2 Samuel 11:1-27; 1 Corinthians 6:1-20
As you read this difficult story of David’s multiple sins, have your family discuss the different places in which David had an opportunity to stop. So too with us. When the Spirit of God provokes us regarding a wrong action or an impending one, listen to Him and change course. Think of the disasters that came upon David and his household as the result of him not doing so. “Your are not your own…you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body."
Dec 29
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 363 (12/29) – 1 Chronicles 19:1-20:1; 1 Corinthians 4:18-5:13
It is appropriate to read these verses on sexual immorality before we come to the event of David and Bathsheba. The verses are strange to us today for we have become complacent towards sexual sin as it spirals downward in our culture and have increasingly turned a blind eye to it within the church. We are in need of a new reformation.
Dec 28
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 362 (12/28) – 2 Samuel 9:1-10:19; Matthew 20:17-19; Mark 10:32-34; Luke 18:31-34
The kindness of David to Mephibosheth should bring a smile to your face. God shows us great kindness, we should show it as well. It is sad to hear of the slaughter that occurred because of the false report given to Hanum. Sadly it happens today. See how clearly Jesus knew what was to happen to Him and how His disciples were, by God’s wisdom, from understanding it.
Dec 27
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 361 (12/27) – 1 Chronicles 6:16-53; Matthew 20:1-16
As we read today passage, remember that these were real people, serving before the ark of the covenant. In the parable, remember that the parable is a parable and shouldn’t be taken beyond its fundamental point. The point of the parable today would be a good discussion for you and your family to have.
Dec 26
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 360 (12/26) – 2 Samuel 8:15-18; Psalms 60:1-12; 1 Chronicles 18:1-17; Luke 18:18-30
David's psalm is one of confession and petition. Please join us Tuesday, noon eastern as we, too, confess our national sins before God and plead that He might grant us repentance. It was the Lord who “gave victory to David” and we must cry out to Him. There is nothing, no riches, as the rich young ruler found out, or anything in this world that will save us, but Him.
Dec 25
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 359 (12/25) – 2 Samuel 8:1-14; 1 Chronicles 17:16-27
The Scriptures tells us that David was a “man after God’s own heart”. Have you ever thought about what that means? I think we see it here in David as he sits before the Lord. The overwhelming characteristic of David is his humble heart. Now, David does some stupid things, yes, but at the core, before the Lord, he has a humble heart. This is our God, who declares to us His heart as Jesus says “I am humble in heart” and comes to earth in a stinky manger and announces the news to stinky shepherds. May the Lord fill you with awe of Him on this Christmas Day!
Dec 24
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 358 (12/24) – 2 Samuel 7:18-29; 1 Chronicles 17:1-15
From David’s prayer, we might say as well: Who are we, O Lord God, that you have done such mighty things for us? It would be a good exercise for you and your family to take David’s prayer and list how many attributes of God are extolled there. May our prayers be full of praising the nature and character of God.
Dec 23
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 357 (12/23) – 2 Samuel 6:20-7:17; 1 Chronicles 16:37-43; Psalms 76:1-12; Mark 10:17-31
We read yesterday that Asaph was the “chief” of those who ministered before the ark of the Lord. He is also described as a “seer” or prophet. We read one of his psalms today. The interaction between David and Michal is difficult, revealing the rift between them. It is hard not to blame David for this–he tore Michal away from her husband, who was sobbing for her as she was taken away. Notice also (2 Samuel 7:12-15) some of the most compelling evidence of the total sovereignty of God in His choices, i.e. between how He deals with Solomon versus Saul.
Dec 22
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 356 (12/22) – 2 Samuel 6:17-19; 1 Chronicles 16:1-36; Matthew 19:16-30
I was struck today by how wonderful it would be to have a king/president/prime minister who would/could openly praise God and rejoice before Him. Isn’t it strange that that wouldn’t be allowed today? Jesus knew the heart of the rich young ruler and eventually exposed it. It is easy to let our hearts get captured by the things of this world.
Dec 21
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 355 (12/21) – 2 Samuel 6:12-16; 1 Chronicles 15:1-29; Matthew 19:13-15
Can you imagine what it would have been like to have the ark in your house, especially after Uzzah was struck down for touching it? Can you imagine the scene of David bringing the ark to Jerusalem? David was expressing great joy at the presence of the Lord and the symbol of Him coming to Jerusalem. May God grant us this joy as we are privileged to come into His presence at any moment of any day.
Dec 20
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 354 (12/20) – 2 Samuel 6:1-11; 1 Chronicles 13:1-14, 14:1-2; Luke 18:15-17
There are many who do not like the fact that God struck down Uzzah. David didn’t either. But God is infinite holiness and it is easy for us to begin to think of Him as less than that. “Take off your shoes for you are on holy ground” God spoke to Moses and the ark represented the holy presence of God. It was not to be touched even if one could rationalize why they should. There is a lot of rationalization going on today about why it is okay to disobey God. Jesus and the little children remind us that we need to be like that: full, unquestioning belief and trust, without our rationalizations. By the way, the video is worth watching. I had the privilege of seeing some of that early archeological work and it was a moving experience for me.
Dec 19
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 353 (12/19) – 2 Samuel 5:4-13, 17-25; 1 Chronicles 11:14-9, 14:8-17; Mark 10:13-16
I was struck today by how God, under the Old Covenant, would answer David’s inquiries with such precision: “...come against them opposite the balsam trees.” I suppose I’m not alone in desiring that kind of clarity when I ask of the Lord. But then I recall that God wants us to walk in faith, not by sight. He has given us His Word and His Spirit, and we are to walk in their light. By the way, “Milo” was a terracing created for building houses on a steep slope.
Dec 18
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 352 (12/18) – 2 Samuel 4:1-5:3; 1 Chronicles 11:1-3; 12:23-40
Our passage today includes a key verse for the Understanding Our Times events we are now doing: “Of Issachar, men who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do…”. Oh, that we would have that kind of wisdom today. It struck me, as well, that our passage ends with “for there was joy in Israel.” There was joy because Israel was no longer divided. Division in a social institution of God is not good. May He bring healing to our land, for we are fractured as never before.
Dec 17
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 351 (12/17) – 2 Samuel 3:6-39
This is a sad event in the life of David and it reveals the consequences of what happens when one allows an event that was contrary to your own will sow a root of bitterness in the heart. Unchecked, it will grow until it destroys both you and others.
Dec 16
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 350 (12/16) – 2 Samuel 23:9-39; Mark 10:1-12
We have two parallel passages from yesterday. It is hard to see Uriah’s name listed among the mighty men of David, knowing that David would one day betray him and have him killed to seek his own pleasure and comfort. As horrific as this is, you may want to discuss how we, nevertheless, do this everyday in our own culture.
Dec 15
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 349 (12/15) – 1 Chronicles 11:20-47; Matthew 19:1-12
I hope you take the time to read the names of the mighty men who were loyal to David and wanted to see him reign as king. So too, do we desire to see Jesus reign in the hearts and minds of others. Jesus places His stamp upon the way He created man: male and female and the design of God for marriage and the family.
Dec 14
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 348 (12/14) – 2 Samuel 3:2-5; 1 Chronicles 3:1-4; 11:10-19; Luke 18:1-14
You may want to go back and read Deuteronomy 17:14-20, one of the places God lays out His rules for kings, who were not to accumulate “many horses” or “many wives” or “excessive silver and gold” lest their hearts be turned away. David had many wives and his household became a snare for him. I think of the vast, vast wealth that pours into modern governments today (along with debt that is beyond human understanding) and tremble. Yet, Jesus reminds us that we are to pray and not lose heart.
Dec 13
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 347 (12/13) – 2 Samuel 2:1-3:1; Luke 17:11-37
What a contrast we have today. David’s and Saul’s forces battling with physical weapons in a physical Promised Land and Jesus declaring that the Kingdom of God is “in the midst of you” or “within you”. I often wondered how nine lepers who were healed by Jesus (can you imagine what that would have been like, being incurable, shunned, isolated… and then miraculously healed) but then did not return to give Him glory. How often do I receive the gracious kindness of the Lord, but fail to give Him thanks?
Dec 12
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 346 (12/12) – 1 Chronicles 9:40-44; 2 Samuel 1:1-27; John 11:38-57
David’s lament over Saul, who had hounded him for 10 years, is extraordinary. One could understand his lament for Jonathan, but not many would do so for their dead enemy. The event of Lazarus being raised from the dead is also extraordinary. The descriptions of how he was wrapped are critical within the apologetic for the resurrection (look further). The video overview of 2 Samuel is a must see.
Dec 11
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 345 (12/11) – 1 Chronicles 10:1-14; 12:20-22; 1 Samuel 31:1-13
Somber passages today as we read of the humble end to which Saul comes. His unfaithfulness brought tragedy to his whole household, even to Jonathan. I have a sense that we are given an important role of the king here, in terms of what Saul did not do. The king, who as we read in Romans 13 has been placed in an authority that was designed and instituted by God, is to call upon the Lord: “He did not seek guidance from the Lord. Therefore the Lord put him to death.” Oh, that the kings of the earth would humble themselves before God and call upon Him.
Dec 10
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 344 (12/10) – 1 Samuel 30:1-31
I’m thankful we have this “aside” in the midst of the battle between the Philistines and Saul, for it is here we find that David appears to get right with the Lord. Maybe it is the tragedy he finds upon returning to Ziklag that shakes David to his senses, but he finally calls again upon the Lord and God is gracious to restore all that appeared lost. No matter how far we stray from Him, His grace and mercy never fail. If you, today, sense you are far away, simply humble yourself before Him in repentance and you will find peace and “shelter under His wings."
Dec 9
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 343 (12/9) – 1 Chronicles 12:19; 1 Samuel 29:1-11; John 11:1-37
Today’s passage presents us with more questions about David. Was he really willing to fight and kill fellow Israelites? He appears to make an appeal to Achish to do so, even calling him his “lord the king”. Either way, do not miss the sovereign hand of God that is moving here to keep David from sinning in this way. The story of Lazarus is one of the most moving and significant miracles in the life of Jesus which provides much for us, but nothing more valuable than Jesus saying, “I am the resurrection and the life” and Martha’s confession, “You are the Christ (Messiah), the Son of God, who is coming into the world."
Dec 8
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 342 (12/8) – 1 Samuel 28:1-25; Luke 17:1-10
We have another difficult passage today–difficulty in understanding and difficulty because of the tragic end to which Saul is walking. The medium at Endor was most likely used to calling up demons for her trade. She was shocked when God allowed Samuel to appear (as He did with Moses and Elijah with Jesus). A good summation of this event can be found here. In this context, however, we read the clear warning from Jesus about being part of causing another to sin. Mediums and sorcerers do this. But so do so many others in our times, and it has become ubiquitous in our culture today–from those who produce pornography to those who teach hatred toward others (as we are now seeing deep-seated antisemitism in academia). Be careful, dear Remnant, in what we place before our eyes, ears and mind, and what we also place before others. The Internet is increasingly becoming a land of deep and dark deception.
Dec 7
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 341 (12/7) – Psalms 73:1-28; Luke 16:19-31
This is one of those OT Psalms that are full of the good news and points us to the reality in Christ. It is appropriate to read it following our difficult passage concerning David. Asaph speaks of his own failing (nearly stumbling, nearly slipping, envious of the arrogant, soul embittered, brutish, ignorant, a beast toward God) yet he speaks of being “continually with God” and “afterward you will receive me to glory”. Dear remnant, we find ourselves surrounded by those who mock God and yet appear as cultural stars and elites. But let us know their end, as Jesus tells us in the parable, and say with Asaph today: “My flesh and heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."
Dec 6
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 340 (12/6) – 1 Samuel 27:1-12; 1 Chronicles 12:1-7; Luke 16:1-18
If you do not know this word, it would be good to learn it: “perspicuity”, especially to get through today’s readings. Perspicuity of the Scriptures basically means that you don’t need to have a doctorate in theology to understand the fundamentals of the Scriptures: i.e. who is God, who is man, what is their relationship, and what is the means of salvation. They are communicated plainly to us in the whole of God’s Word. This is important because sometimes we come to passages that are head-shaking. Don’t let the fact that we can’t understand everything throw you. You know the fundamentals. David could be a righteous guy at war (or rationalizing righteousness) as he is wiping out people, taking the spoil, and deceiving Achish, or he could have descended into sin, lacking faith in God and trusting in his own murderous abilities. It is interesting to note that we have no Davidic psalms that come from this time. Jesus tells a parable that is confusing. Every character is unseemly, but He draws a spiritual truth from it that can be best understood as: use your wealth wisely in this world and there will be rewards in heaven. As you love your neighbor, be generous toward them​.
Dec 5
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 339 (12/5) – 1 Samuel 25:39-26:25; Luke 15:11-32
Our OT and NT passages go well together, but with different outcomes. David is the estranged “son”, but Saul doesn’t receive him, though David has offered a reconciliation. In the prodigal son, the father rejoices over the reconciliation. Pray today for the many, many Christian homes that are besieged by children and parents who are alienated and an impenetrable wall has grown up between them. Pray that God will provoke a Christian neighbor to begin to build a relationship with them that might begin the reconciliation process.
Dec 4
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 338 (12/4) – 1 Samuel 25:1-38
As many of us are prone to do, David is emotionally driven to do something rash and here very evil because things did not go according to his script. But God intervenes through Abigail with such wonderfully wise eloquence. Have we seen brothers and sisters heading down the wrong path? Have we wisely, with gentle words, persuaded them to turn them back?
Dec 3
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 337 (12/3) – 1 Samuel 24:1-22; Psalms 57:1-11; 142:1-7
I imagine that if I had been in David’s place, chased like a fugitive by Saul for so many years, hiding in caves and without the comforts of a normal life, being a warrior, and then to have Saul, who has 3,000 chosen men outside the cave, ready to kill men, now in the cave relieving himself and vulnerable such that I could simply kill him and end all of this… would I have been so noble as to maintain an honor for Saul? This should help as we read David’s songs that he wrote while in this situation. In the midst of all of this, “I will sing and make melody!” Oh, may we put aside our own pity parties and simply trust God and sing with a steadfast heart.
Dec 2
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 336 (12/2) – Psalms 119:129-160; 2 John 1:1-13
Here are some things that struck me from our readings today: “let no iniquity get dominion over me”, “my eyes shed streams of tears, because people do not keep your law”, “but you are near, O Lord”, and “the sum of your word is truth”. Why don’t you highlight a few that struck you today? This exercise helps us not to just “blow through” our reading, but helps us ponder God’s word. John certainly helps us understand how truth and love go hand in hand.
Dec 1
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 335 (12/1) – Psalms 63:1-11; 54:1-7; 119:169-176; Luke 15:1-10
We do not often think of David as the composer, the musician. But God used him in his trials to write incredible songs. These words pluck at our own hearts, for those who are in Christ can relate to “my soul thirsts for you” and “meditate on You in the watches of the night” or in our own times how we also see many who “do not set God before themselves”. How comforting as David writes that he “has gone astray like a lost sheep” do we hear Jesus, the good Shepherd, speak of seeking the lost sheep and heaven rejoicing over one sinner who repents.
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