Nov 30
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 334 (11/30) – 1 Samuel 23:1-29; Luke 14:25-35
I was struck today by the thought: “Are there Sauls in our day who think they are led by God or use His name as cover while they act unrighteously or even seek to destroy that which is right and true and good? Notice that David is in real trouble in verses 25-26. Saul’s superior forces were closing in on David. It wouldn’t be wrong to assume the Philistine attack was brought about by God to save David. Do not overlook the Providential hand of God as He moves and acts in your life. (here is a good map to help you follow the flight of David from Saul).
Nov 29
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 333 (11/29) – Psalms 52:1-9; 70:1-5; 86:1-17; Luke 14:1-24
There is a poem whose title and author I know not. However, I once heard someone reference her words and they have stuck with me. I think of them as we read these Psalms today. The poet noted that the beautiful sound of the brook was caused by the boulders in its path. Without them, there would be no marvelous bubbling and gurgling sound that one loves to hear. The terrible things we have read about, like Nob and Doeg, were huge boulders and rocks in David’s life. Yet, we have these marvelous songs as a result. Do not despise the obstacles in your own path; we are to rejoice in them for God is indeed faithful.
Nov 28
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 332 (11/28) – 1 Chronicles 12:8-18; 1 Samuel 22:1-23; Luke 13:22-35
I hope you spend some time in meditation over these passages. The Lord is gathering the outcasts to David. It is the humble and needy He calls. Jesus tells of the terrible state of those who “are workers of evil” who want to come in after the door has been shut; those who even somehow “ate and drank in His presence”. Jesus was sought by Herod to kill Him just as Saul seeks to kill David. When the Lord is no longer with a person, as He had departed from Saul, evil waits at their door. The destruction of the priests and all in Nob is sickening, as is all evil, even that of our day. Take note of Ahiathar, for he will be with David as his priest until David’s death. (You will enjoy the video).
Nov 27
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 331 (11/27) – Psalms 56:1-13; 34:1-22
These Psalms parallel the events we are reading about in David’s life. The verse that struck me was “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.” It is the humble heart that God seeks in man. He is opposed to the proud, those who puff themselves up in their own eyes and in the eyes of the world. May God grant us to see Him so clearly that our only response is humility.
Nov 26
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 330 (11/26) – 1 Samuel 20:24-21:15
There is a debate concerning the use of lies and deception in times of “war” or when lives are at stake. There certainly are differences of opinion by commentators on our passage today. Both David and Jonathan lie to Saul and David lies to Ahimelech. Terrible consequences come to Ahimelech and the entire city (2 Samuel 22) because of David’s action. Or, is it purely Saul’s sin? This would be worth a conversation.
Nov 25
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 329 (11/25) – Psalms 59:1-17; 1 Samuel 20:1-23; 1 Timothy 6:11-21
Our readings today are summed up in “Fight the good fight of the faith.” Think of all that we must fight against in our times, as we read in Psalms of those who are “enemies”, “work evil”, “rise up against me”, “bloodthirsty”, “wait for my life”, “stir up strife against me”, “howling dogs”, “cursing and lies”, “sin of their mouths”. Fight the good fight, dear Remnant, for the Lord “laughs” at them, He watches over us, He is our fortress.
Nov 24
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 328 (11/24) – 1 Samuel 19:1-24; Psalms 11:1-7; 1 Timothy 6:3-10
What an amazing passage we have today! Saul and others sought to kill David, and therefore thwart the plans of God, yet the mighty Saul ends up humbled by God, naked and prophesying. This is a perfect fit with the extolling of the sovereignty of God in Psalm 11. Here is a challenge: many have so misused the phrase, in verse 3, “If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?” Can you read it in its context and find out how this should not be our cry? [answer is here].
Nov 23
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 327 (11/23) – 1 Samuel 18:1-30; 1 Timothy 5:1-6:2
“For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder and every evil thing.” (James 3:16) This verse ought to be memorized by every believer for these consequences are multiplying around us today. When Saul heard the women’s praise of David and it provoked his jealousy of David, the entire story of Saul changes from here on out; and it does not end well for him and selfish ambition never truly ends well for anyone.
Nov 22
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 326 (11/22) – 1 Samuel 17:32-58; 1 Timothy 4:1-6
“The Lord saves not with sword and spear…the battle is the Lord’s”. What a great statement for us to meditate upon. Let us be an “example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity”. I remember when I stood in the Valley of Elah and walked in the small brook there. God gave victory that day, but, as usual, God uses the skills and talents of His believing people.
Nov 21
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 325 (11/21) – 1 Samuel 17:1-31; 1 Timothy 3:1-16​
It would be a good discussion today to list and contemplate how many of the qualifications for elder and deacon required a humble heart. Then do the same for David. What descriptions showed this humble heart of the “man after God’s own heart”?
Nov 21
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 325 (11/21) – 1 Samuel 17:1-31; 1 Timothy 3:1-16​
It would be a good discussion today to list and contemplate how many of the qualifications for elder and deacon required a humble heart. Then do the same for David. What descriptions showed this humble heart of the “man after God’s own heart”?
Nov 20
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 324 (11/20) – Psalms 119:1-32
What struck me today was the Psalmist's deep desire for his heart to be wholly after God…a heart that is dedicated to God and His word. In contrast, we live in a culture whose sole desire is to follow their own heart…a heart that is dedicated to their own will and to walk as if their heart’s desire is something divine. May we not be pulled into this beguiling lie, but hunger after Him and HIm alone.
Nov 19
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 323 (11/19) – 1 Samuel 16:1-23; Psalms 23:1-26
It is amazing to think that God’s plan for the Seedline of Messiah was to go through a shepherd boy named David. Today we read of how the leading of God selected him to that position. For some reason I was reminded of the truth that Jesus spoke that not one sparrow falls without our heavenly Father’s notice. The sovereignty of God is our great comfort, spoken to us in such wonderfully poetic ways in the 23rd Psalm.
Nov 18
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 322 (11/18) – 1 Samuel 15:1-35; 1 Corinthians 11:2-16
Our passages today are difficult for us because our culture has become accustomed to determining what is right and what is wrong. Saul knew the Lord’s command, but applied his own rationale and found it better to follow his own heart than to truly obey. It would be a good discussion to have regarding things that our culture has rationalized to be good versus what God has said to be good.
Nov 17
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 321 (11/17) – 1 Samuel 14:16-52; 1 Timothy 2:1-15
Authority quickly goes to the head. Saul’s rash vow is a perfect example of this. The state carries great authority and that is why Paul instructs us to pray “for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.” Oh, that the people of God would be diligent in doing so, for these are perilous times.
Nov 16
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 320 (11/16) – 1 Chronicles 9:35-39; 1 Samuel 13:1-14:15; 1 Timothy 1:12-20
I find it interesting that Paul writes that God’s mercy to him was an “example” to others. It seems to me that is also what we find in the puzzling situation of Saul not waiting for Samuel. As the new king, it was important for him not to assume that he had the authority to also take up the role as a priest. This same example is made of Urriah later when he offered incense in the temple. Both kings were judged severely by God in what I believe is the clear indication of the sovereignty of the social institutions God has made. To breech them is to go against God’s design.
Nov 15
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 319 (11/15) – I Samuel 12:1-25; 1 Timothy 1:1-11
I was struck by this: “if both you and the king who reigns over you will follow the Lord your God, it will be well” from verse 14. Oftentimes we get caught up in thinking that the blessings or curses on a nation will come from who is ruling at the top rather than recognizing that the righteousness or unrighteousness of the people are part of that equation. Please join me in praying for repentance, Tuesday’s, noon eastern.
Nov 14
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 318 (11/14) – Psalm 82:1-8, 121:1-8; I Samuel 11:1-15; John 10:22-42
As we have seen God come to the aid of His people over and over again, to preserve the Seedline of Messiah, we see Him do so today through Saul. The Psalmist reminds us of this. As you read John, be amazed at the bold statements of Jesus and the blindness of those who “were not His”. Do not be surprised when we see that blindness today. Do not be exasperated by it.
Nov 13
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 317 (11/13) – I Samuel 10:1-27
Because we know what happens to Saul, it is rather sad to read of his anointing and the way the lot fell to him, including how Saul was hiding among the baggage. God was giving Israel what they wanted and it wouldn’t turn out well for them. So too, today. If we want righteous rulers, it will generally go well for us. If we want unrighteous rulers, it will not. Our Founding Fathers, especially Noah Webster, warned about this extensively. Josephus and others say that the “book” written by Samuel regarding the rights and duties of the kingship (verse 25) was placed in the Ark.
Nov 12
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 316 (11/12) – I Samuel 9:1-27
As you read today’s text, try to find the many ways God is providentially working to bring Saul to Samuel and to prepare for his anointing as king of Israel.
Nov 11
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 315 (11/11) – I Samuel 7:3-8:22; John 10:1-21
Today we have the contrast of what it is like to be ruled by an ungodly king who will grow large off of the fruits of the people and they will, in essence, become his slaves; compared to the good shepherd. One is a thief and robber, who comes only to steal and destroy; the good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep; he comes so that they may have life abundantly.
Nov 10
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 314 (11/10) – I Samuel 6:1-7:2; John 9:1-41
The passage in John is one of my favorites and I’ll let you discuss how it seems to parallel us today. I am also struck by how the parents were afraid to speak the truth because of the prevailing power. May we all be courageous to speak in testimony of Jesus as the healed blind man did.
Nov 9
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 313 (11/9) – I Samuel 4:12-5:12; Luke 13:1-21
What struck me today was that Israel had descended so low that they thought there was something magic in the Ark and had taken it to bring them “luck” in the battle. God was the one who was judging the Philistines and the Israelites (a map of the travels of the Ark is here) not the physical Ark. I also wondered if Eli had consented to them taking the Ark of the Covenant. Jesus certainly was not shy about telling people that they needed to repent. As do we. Take time to discuss the picture Jesus paints in the parable that the Kingdom of God would grow large from a mustard seed or from a small bit of leaven.
Nov 8
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 312 (11/8) – I Samuel 3:1-4:11; Luke 12:35-59
How many times have we seen the corporate consequences come as the result of turning away from the Lord? Thirty four thousand Israelites die in battle and the Ark of the Covenant is captured, but God has not abandoned His purposes. He is raising up Samuel to fulfill His plans. I’m struck by the words of Jesus: “...why do you not know how to interpret the present time?” We must understand the time in which we live as well. Join me today in crying out that God will grant us repentance (see this).
Nov 7
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 311 (11/7) – I Samuel 2:1-36; Luke 12:13-34
Hannah’s song is an incredible testimony to God’s heart: He opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble. I’m not so sure that there isn’t a greater lesson that needs to be planted in our heart than this. Oh! How much tragedy comes to so many, from the past and from our own times, because of the selfish pride of the heart. We need to daily throw off seeking our own will and be filled with the hope and simple, humble trust in our Father. The passage in Luke is a wonderful parallel to this. It would be a good discussion to search out all of the places this principle is found in our reading today.
Nov 6
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 310 (11/6) – I Samuel 1:1-28
Our passage today has deep and significant meaning in my life and our family’s life, since visiting Shiloh in late 2019. We come here to a great milestone in the story of the Seedline of the Messiah. I would encourage you to watch the videos and put yourself in the place of Hannah. Her song is not too dissimilar to Mary’s.
Nov 5
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 309 (11/5) – I Chronicles 2:42-55, 4:1-23
I would again encourage you to read each of these verses and names so that when you are done you will have the pleasure of knowing that you have read every word of God’s Word. God was careful to record for us these genealogies for His purposes and reasons, least of which may be for us to see His nurture and protection of the Seedline of the Messiah.
Nov 4
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 308 (11/4) – Ruth 4:13-22; I Chronicles 2:9-41; Luke 12:1-12
Today we have the conclusion of the incredible story of Ruth and Boaz, protected and providentially guided to this end: Ruth is blessed with a child, King David’s grandfather. Even in the midst of what appears to be tragic circumstances, God was working it out in His time and according to His pleasure. Jesus reminds us that we are valuable in God’s sight.
Nov 3
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 307 (11/3) – Ruth 3:1-4:12; Luke 11:33-54
It would be a good discussion for you to have today. Compare how Jesus took the hierarchy to task, not mincing His words, with how our culture demands that nothing be said against the hierarchy or the prevailing “homo deus”, self-deifying worldview that controls the narrative around us.
Nov 2
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 306 (11/2) – Ruth 1:6-2:23; Luke 11:14-32
The book of Ruth gives us a glimpse into the “virtuous woman” and the “noble male”; a story of God’s providence played out in the “times of the judges”, which was not a good time, yet we find here virtue and kindness. In Luke, we read again of how even the great miracles of Jesus were not accepted by all, but in some cases brought about those who were against Him. Such is the same today.
Nov 1
Dr. Tackett's Daily Comment
Day 305 (11/1) – Judges 21:1-25; Ruth 1:1-5; Luke 10:38-11:13
What an ugly scene we have as Judges comes to a close. Playing religious while acting with moral chaos. The disregard for life and women is quite sickening. Appropriately, God ends this book with: “Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.” Such is it so in our culture. We now begin with the great contrast to Judges, Ruth. Here God clearly providentially blesses two women, Naomi and Ruth and, as we have seen from the beginning, nurtures and protects the Seedline of the Messiah. (Watch the video for how He does this).
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