From the Visionary & Creator of The Truth Project

Ready for the next step?

Dr. Del Tackett

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Tuesday, March 4,
6pm MDT

(5pm PDT, 7pm CDT, 8pm EDT)

Topic: God's Nature and His Existence

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Dr. Del Tackett's Biblical worldview teaching focuses on
the character and nature of God.

when we gaze upon
the face of God?

When we draw near to God and contemplate His divine nature, it exposes us, as it did Isaiah. But it also awakens us to His Truth, which transforms us and calls us to engage the world around us and work to restore the Truth of God in all areas of life.

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by Category

What's Up

Dr. Tackett's articles on what he and the community at are up to. In the past few months, this has included invitations to read through the Bible in a 2-year plan with a daily comment from Dr. Tackett (Journey through the Bible) and receiving an almost daily article reading covering the time between Easter - Resurrection Sunday and Pentecost.

Worldview Pieces

Dr. Tackett's articles discussing the intersection between what is happening in the world around us and the worldviews we see being played out in our culture, contrasted with the Biblical view of the world.

Headlines In Between

Looking at the headlines in the news, these are Dr. Tackett's articles which cover what is happening today, discussed in light of a Biblical worldview.

Gazing on the Face of God

As we look into God's Word and at the world around us, we see God's character and nature reflected in all that He has created. These articles of Dr. Tackett look deeply into the Word of God to understand more clearly Who He is, and in that process, to be changed more into His likeness and image.

15 JAN 2025
01 JAN 2025

Truth Observed

Kruptikos Quotes

Explore the Content Cube



Ready for the Next Step?

The Engagement Project's ten 50-minute video tours take us on a marvelous quest of seeking the face of God and, as best as God will allow, to gaze upon the Crown Jewel in His nature—a quest we hope and pray will deeply transform each of us, and by His grace, the Body of Christ. 

And this, we believe, will change everything. 

The Engagement Project Training and DVD set is for anyone interested in facilitating an Engagement Project small group study. The cost is $100, which includes one DVD set, streaming access, and extensive online support resources.